Chapter 2314

In the barrage: "ah ah, it's so sweet. I'm dying!"

"I love you so much. It's really a treasure girl. It's no difficulty to completely control all kinds of voices."

"I really want to see what kind of face is under the mask. Please take off the mask!"

"I want to see her face in the last episode of the program, I must send her to Lushan!"

The other players were shocked.

Others don't know Su Mi's appearance. They just think she can control so many songs with different styles and even different voice lines. She is very excellent and worth catching up with.

But they know Su Mi's appearance. She looks fat and round. They also know her voice. She usually speaks in a low voice that can't be suppressed. How can su Mi make such a sweet voice?


Chu Zhuohang was stunned and looked at the voice behind the mask on the screen. Was it really from Su Mi?

He closed his eyes and listened carefully. Only then did he feel the familiar feeling from her voice.

It's really Sumi's voice.

It's her usual style.

Su Mi sang seriously. Before her voice broke, this was her original voice. That is, with her voice color, she circled countless fans and became a famous singer in the live broadcasting circle.

But after her voice broke, she rarely used such a voice, because it was destroyed. It was very difficult to speak and sing with such a voice.

Just like now, in fact, these sounds are false, which is still different from her original sweet voice, but she tries her best to fit her previous voice.

So someone in the barrage began to ask, "is this little Su Su? Is that the singer I used to like? "

"I think it's a bit like that. I haven't seen Xiao Su show up for a long time. It turned out that I joined a regular company."

After singing, Su MI was far ahead in the off-site voting.

The judges at the scene were very surprised, but they all heard it. This is the voice of the national treasure giant panda. There was no replacement and no problem.

Han Shou watched as Su Mi's votes exceeded his own outside, and watched as the judges gave Su Mi higher scores.

He was still a little selfish. Su Mi sang several songs. It was impossible for him to have combat effectiveness, let alone defeat him in his comfortable area.

However, unexpectedly, he failed!

Luck is really great.

Han Shou was extremely remorseful. If he chose another player for PK at that time, the outcome might not be so bad.

But he chose Su mi

Su Mi took the microphone and said to the remaining three players in the waiting area, "are you still coming? I'll wait for you here! "

When she finished, she made a move to pull the trigger.

Her voice was very confident, which made the whole audience boiling for a while!

"Who is the national treasure giant panda! I've decided to powder her! "

"It's so handsome. It's good to sing and SA. I haven't met such a female artist for a long time!"

"Love, love, please reveal your true face!"

Chu Zhuohang looked at the screen and couldn't help laughing. She really didn't think it was too big. She had sung so many songs. Could her voice stand it?

The whole program group is going crazy, because many fans call to support the national treasure giant panda, and advertisers make inquiries one after another.