Chapter 2292

"In this program, if you can go to the end and get a good ranking, you can choose one of the judges to help you create the next album. These judges are either famous or very powerful producers. You can get their creation. You can not only successfully go to the music world, but also get the blessing of natural fame. "

Sumi nodded as she browsed through the content.

"I believe that with your strength, you should have no problem in the end. When you get to the end, your fitness should also be quite effective. Then you can disclose your true face, which is much less risky than announcing it at the beginning. "

Sister Cao also thought for a long time before she thought of this method. She sent Su Mi to the program with her own ability.

"You're ready. Come with me tomorrow."

Su Mi walked out of sister Cao's office and couldn't help smiling at the thought of this opportunity.

She has seen this program before. Several judges in it are very talented, and one of them is her idol.

Now you can see them in person. Su MI is also full of longing for tomorrow's program.

Xiao Ke ran over and said angrily, "Su MI, do you know Wei Yuxin is going to the same program with you?"

"It's normal for our company to be on the same program." Sumi didn't think much.

"Where? This program has always been very strict. Because of its high ratings, it has become popular with many singers. It is very strict in screening artists to participate in the program. Sister Cao agreed to go because she had a good relationship with the director and sent your sample. Wei Yuxin doesn't have such resources. "

"Why can she go there?"

Xiao Ke said in a low voice, "I heard that she found friends outside the circle and got the resources this time. Brother Shui is also looking for an opportunity to make her debut, so she supports her in the past."

When Xiao Ke said this, Su Mi remembered that the so-called friend outside the circle may be Wu Juntang.

Wu Juntang's family has a good company. Before, when the first issue of masked singing was not popular, they couldn't get sponsorship. Wu Juntang's company helped put the first issue of advertising to them, which gave them start-up funds. Then they became popular and became a meal program for Chinese audiences.

At that time, Su MI was still in college and her live broadcasting career was rising. Su Mi thought about going to the program at that time.

But at that time, she just thought about it and didn't think about too many follow-up things, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

It seems that this program group is still loyal enough. It remembers Wu Juntang's kindness, so it didn't screen and let Wei Yuxin go.

"Forget it, she should have the resources to go."

"I'm afraid she'll compare you!" Xiao Ke said anxiously.

Then she realized that she had said something wrong and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, Su mi..."

"I know you're worried that my appearance will affect what others think of me. But it's a masked song. Have you forgotten? " Instead of taking her careless words to heart, Su Mi comforted her, "she may not be like me than singing."

Even if his voice is not as affected as before, so what? As long as you find your own characteristics, the same can shine.