Chapter 2239

Over time, she believes she can certainly return to her previous weight.

When Chu Zhuohang went to the gym at night, he turned on the lights and did some warm-up exercises.

I saw Sumi's fitness goal on the fitness equipment in the corner.

Goal - weight 90 kg.

The font is very beautiful, very different from her people.

Just, isn't this goal a little too ridiculous?

To achieve this goal, she must lose at least half.

Young man, it's still too unrealistic.


Sumi continuously maintained the amount of fitness for three hours a day, and her diet was also reduced.

But three days later, the weight remained unchanged.

Not only didn't move, but calculated carefully, it seemed that there was an extra kilogram.

What a setback!

Su MI is sitting on the ground. What's wrong?

Before, the doctor said that she was caused by the surge of postpartum hormones. As long as she reasonably arranges her diet, exercises properly and doesn't abuse drugs - she used antidepressants because she lost her child, but has stopped taking drugs long ago - she will recover soon.

Previous fitness coaches also said that if you keep exercising, you will be effective.

She was very sleepy and depressed.


When Chu Zhuohang came back, the housekeeper met him and took his coat: "young master, young master is receiving early education."

Recently, the number of times the young master came back has obviously increased. He came back before night. The housekeeper thought, the young master is more and more interested in the young master.

Therefore, the housekeeper continued to report to the young master: "the young master's fever has not been repeated, and the wound on his arm has almost healed. Two new teeth sprouted, and the amount of complementary food increased. "

"Yes." Chu Zhuohang nodded and strode upstairs.

Hour Chen's class was in a big room next to his study on the second floor. Chu Zhuohang looked through the glass for a while. He was concentrating on playing games, so he didn't bother him.

After thinking about it, Chu Zhuohang changed into his sportswear and went to the gym.

When he turned on the light, he subconsciously walked to the corner.

The gym is very large, and there are all kinds of fitness equipment. He knows that Su Mi usually only uses the ones in the corner.

She will also leave some notes and comparisons there.

However, according to Chu Zhuohang's view of those notes, she is getting fatter and fatter.

No wonder... Her base is very large. It's not so easy to reduce it, not to mention her high requirements.

Chu Zhuohang subconsciously walked over and found that Su MI was sitting there with her legs in her arms.

It seems that she has a clear and objective understanding of her exercise results.

Seeing Chu Zhuohang, Su Mi stood up and said, "young master."

"Yes." Chu Zhuohang responded and started the warm-up exercise on his own.

He wears sportswear, not very loose, and the lines on his body are particularly obvious.

Usually, when he wears a suit, he is tall and thin. He didn't expect to wear sportswear. In fact, he also has very obvious muscle lines and can see the traces of exercise.

The long legged bee has a wide waist and shoulders. It can really be regarded as the best in the world.

Su Mi looked at it with envy. The more she looked, the more she couldn't help but want to see more.

Maybe people are like this. They envy what they want but can't.