Chapter 2158

This injury and conspiracy, like a disaster, make people alert, reflect, and learn how to better face difficulties.

Fu Hongxuan continued: "I will not give up this election. Work is a part of my life and a responsibility I should have assumed. I should make up for the damage caused by Fu Meirou."

After Fu Hongxuan issued the statement this time, the support rate has won an unprecedented rise.

Other candidates on the alternate Jiang banner did not get too much benefit because Fu Meirou also participated in the plot.

Fu Hongxuan was able to disclose the mistakes made by Fu Meirou and publicize the details to the public in every detail. His honesty dispelled the public's doubts about the Fu family and trusted Fu Hongxuan more.

Fu Hongxuan was successfully elected president again in an open election.

The public trials of Jiang Qi and Fu Meirou have also come to an end.

Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning attended as ordinary people.

Among the various evidences issued by the court, Jiang Qi and Fu Meirou pleaded guilty. What their lawyers can do for them is to win some lenient treatment in punishment.

But even so, Jiang Qi may not leave prison in his lifetime.

As for Fu Meirou, she may still have a chance, but who knows?

However, at this time, things had a huge reversal.

The evidence of Fu Meirou's medicine was conclusive and irrefutable.

However, at a critical juncture, her lawyer produced evidence: "the person who took the medicine was not my client, Miss Fu Meirou, but someone else. Although Fu Meirou made a lot of mistakes, she was not the one who directly drugged her. This is the evidence I provide for you. "

The evidence brought out by the lawyer shows that the person who took the medicine was not Fu Meirou, but a woman named Chen MI or Chen rou.

In the original video of the medicine, everyone can recognize Fu Meirou. It is precisely because this woman named Chen Rou looks very much like Fu Meirou and has a very close look and behavior.

Looking at the evidence brought out by the lawyer, although we were shocked, we also found that this is indeed the case.

Fu Meirou stood up, looking haggard and old and decadent: "it was Chen Rou, not me, who applied the medicine. But anyway, I know what I do can't escape all this punishment.

I made a mistake and delayed a lot of people. No matter what I pay, I can't make up for those losses.

Chen Rou was instructed by me to do this, but her purpose is not simple. She wants to be popular and become a popular artist. She even dresses up herself and has cosmetic surgery according to my appearance.

Since she has done something wrong, she should bear the same punishment as me anyway.

I hope you will also lead me as a warning. When doing things in the future, be less selfish and more generous. "

She sat down, her heart full of desolation and sadness.

She repented, but repentance has no meaning.

Looking back on her life, she got the best trump card at birth. No one is more noble than her identity. She also has incomparable abilities and means.

If she acts normally, she will still be the most admired and respected celebrity in Jingyuan city and even the whole dragon Empire, and the female elite everyone yearns for.