Chapter 2096

Of course, she won't trust LAN Feng so easily.

She smiled and said, "I want to have a dinner party to celebrate the fact that we have children."


Xiao Yao kept her body at home, but she received an invitation to dinner.

"Fu Meirou?" Xiao Yao was a little surprised.

What did Fu Meirou invite herself to do?

There is not much intersection between them.

"Miss Xiao, please come at that time. Otherwise, you will be disappointed. " The person who sent the invitation also brought Fu Meirou's words to the.

Xiao Yao looked at the invitation. When she turned to the other side, she saw clearly that there were two small words on the invitation: Blue Maple!

In other words, this dinner was held by Fu Meirou and LAN Feng together!

The two of them are really together, at least not completely out of touch.

Why did Blue Maple do this?

Suddenly, the pain like a needle flooded in her heart, which made Xiao Yao weak.

She covered her chest and gasped for breath for a while.

Is that what Blue Maple means? What the hell are they doing?

Is it a working partnership?

The aunt brought the food and greeted Xiao Yao with a smile.

Seeing that her face was a little ugly, she hurried over and said, "Miss Xiao, do you want to see a doctor? Why are you so pale? Have you caught a cold? "

"It's okay, it's okay." Xiao Yao shook her head and said.

"Let me see if you have a fever." My aunt examined her, "fortunately, I didn't have a fever."

Xiao Yao said softly, "I'm just a little unhappy. A friend, he chose to cooperate with a person I hate very much. I can't get through this for a moment. "

"Let's cooperate. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. Making money is nothing. Living in this world, adults always have a bit of a last resort. " Aunt said very clearly.

Xiao Yao also admitted that what she said was right, so it's normal if there is any cooperation between LAN Feng and Fu Meirou.

Moreover, they had a lot of cooperation before, and many interest exchanges were difficult to cut off at the moment.

I'm afraid it's also because of this, so LAN Feng didn't tell himself that they were together?

Are you afraid of worrying and thinking?

Although Xiao Yao admitted that she didn't want to see any cooperation between LAN Feng and Fu Meirou, she was eager to cut off the connection between them.

Although she didn't investigate the child's affairs before, it doesn't mean she doesn't mind.

Seeing that her face was still not very good, my aunt filled her with a bowl of soup, smiled and said, "don't think too much, Miss Xiao, your body is like everything. Have some soup. "

Xiao Yao thought of the child in her stomach. Then she slowly picked up the bowl and bowed her head to drink soup.


On the day of the banquet, Xiao Yao cleaned up early and arrived at the scene of the dinner.

At the dinner, there were basically Fu Meirou's friends and guests, so Xiao Yao didn't get much courtesy when she appeared here.

Instead, everyone looked at her with a bit of vigilance.

Everyone naturally wants Fu Meirou to be with LAN Feng. I heard that Xiao Yao and LAN Feng suddenly have a close relationship. I looked at her from all directions.

"Is this Xiao Yao?"

"It is said that he is also the head of a TV station and the head of a company."

"It looks good."