Chapter 1636

Fu Hongxuan made a round of it: "ladies and gentlemen, the matter has come to an end for the time being. Let's continue the party. "

"Wait, Mr. President, I have a friend here. Can I come to the party?"

"The Duke's friend is naturally welcome." Fu Hongxuan bowed his head politely.

After Feng Ling finished, his subordinates introduced a blonde man. He is an American. He works in the United States. He has deep facial features. He looks quite old but has a lot of momentum.

Fu Hongxuan recognized him as General Edward and said with a smile, "it's General Edward. The general recently lived in Jingyuan. I should have visited him earlier. It's also a kind of fate to meet today. "

Seeing General Edward, Jiang Xue's face suddenly became pale. Fu Meirou reached out and held her.

Feng Qing smiled and said, "in fact, I have a story to tell you today. Or a big gift for the president's wife. "

"Before, I always mistakenly thought that Shen Fengshan killed my family, chased me and killed my son. So a few years ago, he once joined forces with the United States to kill the Shen family and force Shen Jingyu to hand over he Ning and her children. "

This matter itself is a very confidential matter, and only a small range of people know it.

But let them all know the identity of the people present today.

Hearing Feng Ling's words, some people who knew some clues understood that Feng Ling's handwriting was involved in this matter.

No wonder Shen Jingyu almost couldn't stand it at the beginning, and he Ning and her children died together - of course, no outsiders know that he Ning is Chu Ning now.

Fu Hongxuan was also annoyed when he heard Fengling mention it. At the beginning, he chose the country and made a bloody choice.

Feng Ling said with deep pain and guilt, "I've done this thing too wrong. It's a sin I can't wash away all my life. I can't make up for it in my life. "

Even knowing that he Ning (chuning) is still alive, the injury has been caused, and she feels guilty.

"But apart from my mistakes," Feng Ling said with a turn of voice, "I also want to point out that one of the people here has made no fewer mistakes than me! First, she revealed to the United States that he Ning and her children were useful to the research of the United States. Second, she provided convenience for the United States to take another child of he Ning away and take him to the research room of the United States for research! "

Hearing such a thing, everyone was very surprised.

Doing so is not only equivalent to helping the US side, but also taking the children to be studied. How crazy it must be to make a decision!

Children are the future of the family and the country. They don't understand anything. They shouldn't bear the intrigues and interests of the adult world!

Who can be so cruel to do such a thing!

"Who is it? Who is it? "

"It's crazy! That's a child. No matter whose child it is, he is innocent. How can anyone do this! "

"Such a person really should be cut thousands of times! It's inhuman. "

Fu Hongxuan's pupil shrank suddenly.

Feng Ling said it in public under this condition, which shows that the man can't get rid of his relationship.

Then, the only direction can only be... Jiang Xue!

Feng Ling said in a flat voice, "such a person should be punished, shouldn't he?"