Chapter 1554

Shen Muhan took the number plate in his hand and turned it easily.

The more comfortable he was, the more frightened the six people were.

This sword of Damocles, which doesn't know when it will fall on your head, is the most frightening.

The big deal of death is that it will be, but the torture of knowing to die but not knowing when to die makes people's heart extremely run away.

At the moment, Shen Muhan is like a beast who knows how to hunt. It's a good feeling to watch his prey collapse.

Great pressure enveloped the six people. They couldn't plead because pleading didn't help.

Even there was no sound. I could only watch Shen Muhan helplessly.

Now all this has stretched their nerves to the extreme.

It seems that the nerve will break the next second.

But they also know exactly that the nerve will not be broken. If it is really broken, it would be better to avoid this great mental torture.

But I can't, so I can only bear it like this and wait for Shen Muhan's final evil judgment.

"Come on, smoke. Look who dies first. " Shen Muhan said.

There are six more people who want to go first, but they don't know.

Shen Muhan asked each of them to smoke one.

Then he said slowly, "Alas, the game will be over soon. Don't cry and smile."

Those people didn't know what expression to make, so they had to smile mechanically.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely strange.

"Throw in the man who draws number one." When Shen Muhan finished, the man was thrown in.

The wolf who has just nibbled on his arm is not satisfied at all, and the blood and a small amount of food have already stimulated their nerves.

Once the man was thrown in, the wolves gathered around him and began to circle around him, making a low sob.

At the beginning, they don't dare to come up directly.

But when they found that the prey didn't have much resistance, the wolves rushed up and grabbed the man with fierce claws.

The man screamed and desperately wanted to escape. He grabbed the railing and shouted, "Han Shao, Han Shao, please let me go, Han Shao..."

But it is of no use at all. Any outlaw is just a lamb to be slaughtered at this moment.

The other five people were about to vomit. They licked life on the edge of the knife, but they had never seen such a scene.

They don't even know which one is more terrible and which one is more difficult to endure when they are first thrown in and eaten, and then thrown in and waiting for more psychological torture.

The one who was eaten was still dying for help until a wolf came forward and snapped his neck.

Shen Muhan was bored and said faintly, "lock up the five of them first and come back when I'm free."

The five people were a little relieved if they were granted amnesty, but later, they also knew that this psychological torture was more terrible, and the feeling of panic was more unbearable than death.

The tip of his nose was full of vomitable and bloody smell. Shen Muhan was dressed in beige without any dust. He was like a handsome childe in the turbid world. He stood up and turned away.

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