Chapter 1537

Fortunately, Lan Xi's skill is quite good. He has lived in the Chu family manor these years and has not neglected exercise.

Shen Sihai sat down with a calm face at the place where Shen Muhan was rescued.

It is said that even chuning and chuzhuohang are still alive. His plan has not been completed at all. Naturally, he is in a bad mood.

But now I can't worry so much. I can only take one step at a time.


Under the valley, a strong wind began to roll up and the situation began to become dangerous.

The wind in the mountains and forests is like a storm of crazy waves. People look very small inside. If they are careless, they seem to be swept away by the wind.

At the same time as the storm, there is lightning.

The sky became gloomy. Suddenly, a light broke through the clouds and came directly to the ground. With a loud crash, a huge tree in the distant forest was split.

Then came the sounds of birds, animals and insects.

Chu Ning and their current location has many big trees. Big trees are the most conductive, and it is very dangerous to stand here.

Chu Zhuohang whispered, "find a dry big stone to hide. The safest place is 45 degrees away from the nearest tree and at least three meters away from the tree itself."

Chu Ning immediately saw a suitable place and helped Chu Zhuohang to go there.

But before he walked over, he saw a poisonous snake spitting its core and making a stabbing sound.

It seems that in the face of the storm of nature, all creatures are looking for their own suitable shelter.

"Don't be afraid." Chuzhuo took an aerial photograph of chuning's hand, took out the gun at his waist and directly aimed at the poisonous snake.

"Save your bullets." Shen Muhan came over and stopped his gun.

Then he took a big step and walked straight in the direction of the poisonous snake.

"Hey, Shen Muhan, that's a poisonous snake!" Chu Ning couldn't help but remind him loudly.

Shen Muhan was unmoved and walked over without changing his face. The poisonous snake suddenly attacked when he saw him approaching.

However, Shen Muhan's action was faster than it. He grabbed it seven inches directly. As soon as he twisted his hands, the snake's head and body separated immediately. Shen Muhan pressed the snake's head on a branch, and the snake's head spit out its venom, and then there was no more movement.

Chu Ning was frightened. God, she really didn't think Shen Muhan could kill the snake with her bare hands.

Shen Muhan cleaned up under the big stone and sat down.

Chu Ning hurriedly helped Chu Zhuohang to sit down together.

Just thinking of the snake just now, she had goose bumps all over her body and was difficult to sit and stand.

Chu Zhuohang reached out and held her hand, motioning her not to worry.

The strong wind rolled dark clouds, and the sound of the wind was deafening. Chu Ning leaned against Chu Zhuohang, which was a little better.

Aside, Shen Muhan cleaned up the snake and baked it on the fire. After a while, it sent out bursts of fragrance.

After roasting, he still divided into two and gave half to Chu Ning.

"Thank you." Chu Ning shook her head and refused. She was so hungry that she cooed, but she didn't want to eat this kind of thing.

Maybe even if I starve to death here, I don't want to touch it.

"Brother, you eat." Chu Ning knows that Chu Zhuohang is not afraid.

Shen Muhan takes it back. Chu Ning doesn't care what he wants to do for Chu Zhuo hang, but he will never do anything for the drag of Chu Zhuo hang.

No one is worth exchanging his own interests.