Chapter 1531

After finishing these, he left without looking back. Chu Ning didn't say thank you. He just regretted that slap just now.

However, if Shen Muhan really wants anything, what she wants to give is not as simple as a slap.

While Chu Ning was in a trance, Chu Zhuo Hang's soft voice came from one side.

Chu Ning is busy looking at Chu Zhuohang.

Chu Zhuohang opened his eyes, looked at the strange scenery around him, and said hoarsely, "Ning Ning, are you okay? Where is this? "

Chu Ning hurriedly held him, simply told him what had happened and said, "brother, you haven't recovered yet. Don't move. You need a rest. I'll go and see if there's anything to eat and find some to restore your strength. "

Chu Zhuohang smiled reluctantly. It turned out that everything was because of himself, which put Chu Ning in deep danger.

"Ning Ning, I'm really sorry, because I..."

"Well, don't say that. You're my brother. I'll do it without hesitation. Just like if I'm in danger, you'll save me at all costs. I just did what all of us would do in this environment. "

Chu Zhuohang looked at her with a deep look in his eyes. If he could choose, he would never drag Ning Ning down. He would rather pay everything for her!

At this time, Shen Muhan came back with some wild fruits in his hand. When he came back, he saw Chu Zhuohang wake up. His eyes were cold. Obviously, he didn't even have a good impression of Chu Zhuohang.

He divided the wild fruit into two and threw half to Chu Ning, but he didn't give it to Chu Zhuohang.

Chu Ning didn't want to eat the food he came to eat, but this is not the time to speak of backbone. He reached out and handed it to Chu Zhuohang to eat first.

Shen Muhan sneered and scolded stupidity.

In his world, only the law of the jungle and taking care of himself can really live. This is the life-saving rule he learned when he was a wolf.

Chu Ning's performance obviously runs counter to his philosophy of life.

Chu Ning didn't care about his eyes and gave it to Chu Zhuohang first.

"Ning Ning, you eat first. I'm not hungry." Chu Zhuohang shook his head.

Shen Muhan can't see this. You push me. He hasn't received such education in the Shen family. He can have brother affection for Shen Ming and Shen Xuan, but he will never give them such life-saving resources.

Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning can only describe this way with two words: stupidity.

Finally, Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang ate half of the fruit respectively.

Shen Mu stood up with a cold hum, "the way you allocate resources will only make two people unable to live."

"We are willing. You don't need to worry." Chu Ning said in a flat voice, "after my legs are better, I can find food by myself and won't rely on you anymore. Brother is what I want to save, which is my responsibility. I don't have to worry about cold."

Shen Muhan didn't speak and turned away.

At night, the night was dark and the temperature began to drop.

Both Shen Muhan and Chu Zhuohang had field survival experience and soon built a fire for heating.

Chu Ning fell asleep on Chu Zhuohang's shoulder. Fatigue made her sleep very heavy.

Shen Muhan took down his emergency backpack and put it next to Chu Ning. He moved his body with great effort to Shen Muhan's side.