Chapter 1529

Suddenly, Chu Ning loosened his hand, and the water cup had been snatched by someone.

Chu Ning stared in surprise. Shen Muhan took away his water cup.

"What are you doing?" Chuning asked in surprise, "excuse me, what's the matter? It won't break if you borrow it. "

Shen Muhan gave her a cold look, picked up the water cup and went straight to the water source.

Chuning sat down in frustration. Isn't it bark?

It's a big deal. She'll learn to be one herself.

But after touching it, I found that the dagger I carried to protect myself was missing.

It's terrible. It seems that she gave it to Fang LAN at that time. For fear that Fang LAN might have problems, she didn't have any self-defense weapons. She gave it to her without hesitation.

So she's not around anymore.

I don't know if Fang LAN has gone back. What's the situation now?

Now only Chu Zhuohang should have a dagger with him.

She struggled to get up and walked in the direction of Chu Zhuohang again.

Shen Muhan has returned, and his leg is hurt, but his movement is still several times faster than Chu Ning.

He handed the cup full of water to chuning.

Chu Ning was stunned. It turned out that he had taken water for himself, not even the water cup.

Well, she wronged him. Who told him not to speak.

"Thank you. I thought you were... Sorry. " Chu Ning took water and was not willing to drink it. It seems that Chu Zhuohang is very short of water. She must hold on to him until he has had enough.

And she can hold on. It doesn't matter if she drinks later.

"What are you doing?" Shen Mu asked coldly.

"Feed my brother water." Chuning limped over there.

"Fool." Shen Muhan said with a low curse, "it's not for him. You drink! "

Chu Ning shook his head: "he was seriously injured. Of course, we should save him first. I can drink it later. "

"Don't be stupid again. He's hurt so badly that he can't leave here alive anyway. Why waste your energy to take care of him? You might as well save it, so that you and I are more likely to be saved. "

Chu Ning was angry: "save it! My brother will be fine and go out alive. Even without you, I can take good care of him. "

"You can't even take good care of yourself and take good care of him? He is also damn, a big man and needs a woman to take care of him! "

Shen Muhan's words were not polite at all.

"Shen Muhan! You've had enough! My brother wouldn't have been hurt if he didn't save people! He's not the kind of useless man you call him. "

After Chu Ning roared, he decided not to be angry with him anymore.

In this kind of place, the best way is to calmly maintain physical strength and seriously find ways to escape and reunite with their families.

Instead of wasting your energy arguing with such people.

Just know what kind of person Chu Zhuohang is and the significance of what he does. It doesn't need Shen Muhan's approval at all.

After thinking clearly, Chu Ning fed the water to Chu Zhuohang. Then, he limped over and brought himself drinking water.

Since she is not the same as Shen Muhan, she doesn't want to accept his favor anymore. There's no need to involve too much with him.

Shen Muhan looked at her coldly. She quietly supported her to the water source. There was only one black spot left. After drinking the water slowly, she turned back and walked back again.

This trip consumed Chu Ning's great physical strength and energy.