Chapter 1295

Shen Jingyu remembered that it was really strange that night.

"Who could it be?" Chu Ning frowned, "the person who can do such a thing must be someone who doesn't know my real identity now. It seems that she will appear next to us soon. "

"No matter who, no matter what purpose she has, she can't succeed."

Shen Jingyu didn't even think about it at all.

"I'll make you coffee." Chuning smiled.

While Chu Ning was making coffee, Qin Zheng came forward carefully: "Miss Chu?"


"Are you all right?"

"Should I have something?" Chu Ning smiled.

"Sorry." Qin Zheng doesn't know what he's sorry for.

But he has a plan to help he Ning. It seems that he is really sorry for Chu Ning.

Of course, help Chu Ning, and I'm sorry he Ning.

What a dilemma.

Chu Ning patted him on the shoulder. He didn't know whether to thank him or blame him... After all, he was thinking about he Ning, but he was also thinking about himself.

Well, chuning is also in a dilemma.

"Assistant Qin, please tell everyone in the company that Shen and I have a deep and stable relationship, and no one can interfere. Hening used to be Shen's favorite, but things will change. The former hening is gone, and Shen's feelings with her have all shifted to me, okay? I hope you won't talk about it. When you see he Ning, you won't be blinded by the past, let alone deceived. "

Qin Zheng is looking at her. Chu Ning really dares to say... However, it seems that this is indeed the case.

"Moreover, the divorce certificate between lord Shen and he Ning has already been received. At that time, someone will be deceived, but no matter what happened to Lord Shen, don't come to cry with him." Chu Ning's warning was very clear.

Qin Zheng's lip angle smoked, as if he was a little unkind to he Ning?

But don't worry about him. If Miss Chu tells you, just do it.

Soon, Qin Zheng conveyed Chu Ning's words to the company's employees.

Many people thought so deeply, nodded and said, "it's true. Now Lord Shen and miss Chu have a stable relationship and should not be reunited with his ex-wife. There is no need for everyone to talk about it. "

"I said chuning would win, right? Look, am I right? "

Some people shriveled: "this is obviously explained by Chu Ning. It's not clear whether Lord Shen meant it."

"That is, he Ning didn't leave by mistake at the beginning, but disappeared by accident. Isn't it unfair to her to do so?"

"What's more, if you are cheated, don't cry with Lord Shen. Chu Ning is so sure that he Ning is a liar? It's too much to slander people's character! "

What did Qin Zheng say? Although Qin Zheng also felt that Chu Ning shouldn't slander he Ning like this.

But who makes people real girlfriends now?


He Peishan's activities are more and more frequent.

She tasted the sweetness in Xiao Yao and old lady Shen. She met more people.

Some are employees of Shen's group and some are partners. Although they have been warned by Chu Ning from Qin Zheng, they still have a fluke in their hearts.

Lord Shen used to love hening so much. How can he give up when he gives up?

In hening, they are still willing to invest and spend money.