Chapter 1081

"Well, Shen jingle's Mommy never appeared. Some children laughed at him for not having a mommy, but Shen jingle himself didn't quite explain it, so I'm afraid he has something uncomfortable in his heart, so please pay more attention to his psychological condition... "In fact, the teacher also wanted to say that the relationship between Shen Jingyu and he Ning is really bad for Lele's psychological condition.

But this is the freedom and privacy of others' feelings, and it is not convenient for teachers to say it.

Not to mention in front of Shen Jingyu.

He Ning immediately asked nervously, "why do children say that? What happened? Did they quarrel? "

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Chu. In fact, it's not that serious. It's just the children's play, but the play can be big or small. Deal with it in time so as not to let the children have psychological problems."

"Ah, that's good." He Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that he Ning was not offended, the teacher continued: "in view of the particularity of Shen jingle's own situation, it would be most appropriate if his mother could appear. In such a situation, he needs more maternal love. "

"Thank you, teacher. We will work hard." He Ning immediately bowed. It seemed that the teacher was really responsible.

"Mr. Chu not only has the responsibility to cooperate with the school, but also has the responsibility to grow up with his family." The teacher said with a smile.

After walking out with Shen Jingyu, he Ning said, "it seems that this teacher is good. It's time for me to appear in front of my classmates."

"Very good? It's good to care about other people's family and emotional status? "

"She must also be for Lele. She doesn't have to take care of it. Besides, people don't know I'm a woman. " He Ning grabbed her short hair and left it for so long. She really needs to change it.

Shen Jingyu looked at her and saw what she was thinking with her hair. She was very absorbed.

He took her hand and strode forward.

At night, he Ning didn't trim her short hair because her hair grew fast. She usually had to trim it at least once a week to ensure that she appeared in front of everyone as a man.

Maybe in a few days, she can return to women's clothes, and her long soft hair will grow again.

"Jing Yu, do you think it's better to keep my hair here or here?" He Ning pulled his short hair and asked compared the position of his ears and shoulders.

"Do you want long hair back?" Shen Jingyu's eyes were slightly deep.

I know she is for Lele. What the teacher said today must have made her think a lot.

"Yes, since men's clothes are so inconvenient, I can only change them. I also want to be clear. It doesn't matter how others talk about my men's clothes with you, but if Lele has to bear this discussion, I can't be selfish anymore. " He Ning said softly.

Lele is still so young and has so many problems. If she has to be troubled by these, she will be too incompetent as a mother.

"OK, I'll find someone to rearrange your identity." I'm not sure whether the United States will continue to track her personal situation, so the practice of insurance can't let people know that she is the former hening.