Chapter 700

Except for soldiers who can occasionally see their bodies standing like a benchmark, they can no longer see anyone.

Shen Jingyu was dressed in a general's military uniform, which was very scraped and smooth. He Ning and he Ning took a special military vehicle here.

As soon as they saw the car, someone opened the door and let them in.

Here, he Ning's heart became solemn.

I don't know how to deal with the big brother's affairs. She suddenly felt a little nervous.

Aware that her hand was a little cold, Shen Jingyu clenched her and whispered softly: "don't be afraid, I'm here."

Hening's heart must follow in.

She followed Shen Jingyu to a very simple place. In such a large room, she looked serious and cold.

After a while, he Boyuan arrived, followed by more than a dozen adjutants, all following him at a standard pace.

Over the years, he Yiming has made great achievements in war. In addition to making he Yiming rise very fast, he has also played a great role in promoting he Boyuan to his current position.

Soon, he Yiming arrived.

He wore an ordinary military uniform without any rank mark.

Shen Fengshan, Shen Jingyu's father, also appeared at the scene with his adjutant.

Today's affairs can be said to be official or family affairs. Everyone has no emotion on his face, serious and indifferent.

When Shen Fengshan saw Shen Jingyu and he Ning, he looked at them with a little love in his flashing eyes.

On the contrary, when he Boyuan saw he Yiming and he Ning, his eyes were cold.

It seems that the feelings of the past 20 years are all false.

He Boyuan equals Shen Fengshan, he Yiming equals Shen Jingyu.

The level of the two elders is naturally higher than that of the two younger generations. They took the lead in sitting down.

The rest of the adjutants are in the rear.

"I'm busy. I wonder if general he and general Shen are looking for me. What's the matter? " He Boyuan opened his mouth and couldn't express his alienation.

"My subordinates had an accident before, killing and wounding more than a dozen people. I'd like to ask old general he for an explanation. " He Yiming said in a loud voice.

Hearing this, he Boyuan finally had a little change in his indifferent look.

However, he quickly covered up his true feelings and said, "isn't that a mistake made by your poor leadership?"

He Yiming threw the information in his hand on the table: "Jing Yu and I have found out that this death and injury incident was deliberately committed."

"So?" He Boyuan asked.

"And all the evidence points to you, old general he." Every word he Yiming spits out seems a little heavy.

In the past, my respected father did not hesitate to hurt innocent soldiers for his own affairs.

His voice was both painful and warm-blooded: "who once told me that the lives of everyone here deserve respect? Who taught me that even the lowest soldiers were born for the country and came to the army to protect the country, not for us? Now you have hurt more than a dozen people's lives for your own selfish desires. How do you explain all this? "

He Boyuan snorted coldly, "he Yiming, you are no longer from his family. Now trying to take these things, you want to clear your own suspicion and pull me down? It's too simple and childish! "

He didn't even start to dismantle the evidence in front of him.