Chapter 687

He kissed he birong and he Peishan on the cheek: "I have something to do with the president. I'll pick you up after the dinner."

He birong is very happy and full of spring. Her long cherished wish has finally been achieved. She is happier than anyone.

He Peishan also enjoyed a normal life with a bright face.

After he Bo's distant relatives finished, he subconsciously went to see Lan Xi's reaction.

However, Lanxi has taken hening's hand and gone far.

His face suddenly sank.

He birong noticed the change of his face, and a thick jealousy flashed at the bottom of her heart. However, her face was not obvious. She took he Peishan's hand and walked in.

The Baijing palace is very big. He Ning is not the first time to come. She is very calm.

As soon as she entered, she vaguely heard someone say, "it turns out that he Yiming is not the child of old general he, so, tut Tut, Lan Xi really has rich experience."

Gossip is indeed human nature. The people here are already the family members, celebrities and qianjinkuota of the most distinguished family in the upper class of the Dragon empire. They still have a natural demand for gossip.

Lan Xi and he Ning went in, and the voices came down.

Jiang Xue and Fu Meirou walked towards Lan Xi and he Ning at the same time.

Jiang Xue's smile was always impeccable and said, "Lan Xi, he Ning, you're finally here. Just now I was talking about you. They all said that he Ning looks good and has a good temperament. It turned out that he Ning is a famous family. It's really rare. "

Lan Xi's face didn't change, smiled and said, "if it weren't for the harm of the traitor, I wouldn't know that he Ning is my child until now. Hening, come and meet the elders here. "

Fu Meirou likes Shen Jingyu and is extremely eager for him and his power and talent.

When I saw he Ning, my hostility to her was hidden in the depths of my eyes.

After a while, he birong came in with he Peishan.

He Peishan dressed like a princess coming out of a cartoon. She looked left and right. She knew that she had been trapped in the hospital because of illness for many years and knew nothing about the outside world.

I don't know. I thought she was a disgraceful girl from the countryside.

Because Jiang Xue doesn't deal with Feng Ling, she only keeps a superficial relationship with the other three of the four golden flowers.

After this incident, it virtually brought the relationship between Jiang Xue and he birong closer. Jiang Xue came forward to meet him with a smile: "birong, Shanshan. Congratulations. "

"Thank you, Madam President, for your kind invitation."

He birong didn't feel ashamed of what happened this time. After all, people outside just heard some fragmented things. People who didn't know the real reason felt that Lan Xi was more wrong.

After all, he Yiming, the recognized person in power of he family, turned out to be the child of Lan Xi and outsiders, which really surprised many people's glasses.

And the matter of he birong is not surprising.

He birong took he Peishan by the hand and said, "Shanshan, this is the president's wife. She came to see you when you were ill. "

Jiang Xue has a heart to win over he birong and says with a smile, "Shanshan is finally good. I'm also very pleased. When I went to beg Jing Yu, I was so shut up. Come on, Shanshan, let's go over there. "

Compared with her attitude towards he Ning, it is enough to know that she is more sincere to he Peishan.

He birong raised her head and talked with yourong.