Chapter 660

At the thought of this, Lanxi was terrified.

His own daughter almost had such a thing, but he took care of he birong's daughter for 20 years.

If Master Chu was really hening's father, he would almost have personally killed his own daughter.

Just think about the possibility of these things a little, and a chill will rise on Lan Xi's back.

The hateful thing about he birong is not only that she is jealous, but also that she has made all kinds of things, so that everyone may personally hurt the person she loved most.

"Mom, it's all he birong's fault. Why should you blame yourself?" He ningrou comforted, "I'll get a clean dress and change it for you first."

Lan Xi was relieved to see her daughter turn to the dressing room to get her clothes. Her daughter was so sensible and clever.

The divorce with he Boyuan was sudden, but she never regretted it.

The he family wanted to come now, but there was nothing she missed.

The couple's feelings with he Boyuan for decades also dissipated and became indifferent in her heart because of the various calculations of the he family.

He Ning took his clothes to help Lan Xi change them. Lan Xi took her hand and said, "he Ning, mom and brother will be by your side in the future. No one will bully you anymore."

He Ning nodded gently.

Probably because of the mood fluctuation, he Ning couldn't help retching twice. Afraid of her mother's worry, she quickly covered her mouth.

"What's the matter?" Lan Xi was really worried, "aren't you feeling well? Do you want Yunchen to come and have a look? "

"It's okay, mom." He Ning shook his head, but suddenly he felt more serious and couldn't help retching.

Lan Xi, after all, came here. Seeing this situation, he asked, "are you pregnant? You haven't had a miscarriage for a long time. If you are pregnant again, it will hurt your body. Let's go. Mom will accompany you to the hospital now and let the doctor see it. "

"No, mom, I didn't have an abortion before." He Ning no longer concealed his mother, "I lied to Shen Jingyu about abortion."

Lan Xi asked with some worry, "what's going on between you and Jing Yu?"

"He didn't want children before. I fell out with him. He birong almost took advantage of him and took me away. When I came back, I found that he still didn't want children, so I pretended that his child had miscarried to deceive him. "

Lan Xi was surprised and said, "how could he think so?"

"I don't know why. So we agreed to divorce him. "

"But when I look at him, I'm very concerned about you. It doesn't look like I hate children." Lanxi asked, "does he have any heart knot?"

"I've tried to discuss it with him. He just insisted on not having children. " He Ning bowed his head slightly when he mentioned this.

But she immediately smiled and said, "Mom, it doesn't matter. I can raise my children myself. There's nothing wrong with being on your own. "

Lan Xi naturally agreed with her when she thought so, but said, "although independence is a good thing, what's wrong with the care of many people around her? It's just that you really can't get together, so you have to forget it. "

"Yes, I see that it's good for many women not to get married. I can be a good mother myself. That's what I haven't told him. Mom, you help me hide it first. "