Chapter 569

She worked hard to spell out such a daughter, he Peishan, now comes to this end. Her disguised face for many years has been torn off. Where can there be a mask of hypocrisy?

I knew that he Yiming should have been strangled in his swaddling clothes.

And he Ning, and the child thrown away, one by one, all should be strangled

Those who stand in the way of he Peishan deserve to die!

At this time, several people rushed in, all with steel bars.

As soon as he came in, he went straight to he birong.

"What are you doing?" He birong shouted, "come on! Somebody! "

Those who served her had long been scolded by her.

They are used to he birong's fickleness. If they come in now, they are afraid that they will be scolded by her again. Therefore, the people waiting outside not only don't come in, but all hide far away. They run to watch TV and play with their mobile phones as if they can't hear anything.

He Rong lifted the steel bar and rushed into the knee.

He birong rolled down from her wheelchair in pain.

She cried for help: "someone... Help..."

But people outside only amplified the sound of the TV to cover up her voice and turned a deaf ear to her cry for help.

Then her other leg was broken, and she fainted with pain.

Those people just left.

Until the next afternoon, I didn't hear her scolding, and the waiter found that something had happened to her.

They hurriedly reported Lanxi.

Lanxi was also shocked: "who did it?"

"We don't know." Said the waiter.

"Didn't you take care of her?"

"She said let's get away."

Lan Xi said reluctantly, "well, please ask the doctor to help her. Don't delay. "

She guessed that Shen Jingyu did it.

But without evidence, what can I do with Shen Jingyu?

What's more... She herself doesn't like what he birong has done. Just because her best friend is also her sister-in-law, Lan Xi can only give priority to persuasion.

Lan Xi returns to the ward and finds that he Peishan's mood is very calm.

Probably she was tired of making trouble during this period. She knew that it was useless to make trouble again, so she stopped making trouble.

She just sat quietly.

Hearing that he birong was hurt, she didn't have much emotion.

Lanxi doesn't know whether to be happy or worried. She can only accompany her for fear that she will do anything stupid again.

When she turned to pour water, he Peishan's eyes radiated a cold light into her bones.


The news of he birong's broken leg spread quickly, and the whole people in Jingyuan heard it.

The he family was helpless, while the Shen family remained silent and expressed great sympathy, but they didn't know anything.

Even hening, who was far away in Portugal, received the news.

"I deserve it. One leg of such a person is not enough to break." Ye Shu put down his knife and fork and scolded, "I can't see her either. I want to see her. I'll break her leg with my own hands!"

He Ning looked at her and smiled, "sit down and eat."

Ye Shu said, "it's lucky that I'm not with he Yiming. Otherwise, I can't scold these words. I can't hold it if I want to bear it."

"Hening, you said, did the third master arrange someone to fight? I heard that he birong broke her leg after seeing housekeeper Luo all night. It must be her conspiracy. "