Chapter 526

Shen Jingyu was angry, but he couldn't bear to vent on her: "hold a meeting first, and then talk about it."

The meeting of the Shen family has a large number of people.

Because it is an annual conference, everyone has a lot of questions.

Shen Jingyu sat on the throne, and he Ning was not far from him.

From the moment he sat down, his eyes never left hening's face.

She collected her eyes, looked at her nose, looked at her heart, and looked at the report in front of her.

Some shareholders are making a report, and everyone is listening carefully

Now it's just the end of summer. The Secretariat sent people iced coffee.

He Ning took a look, pushed aside and continued to listen to the report.

Shen Jingyu took a look and wrote a few words on the document.

The Secretary understood and went out at once.

After a while, the drink came in again. It was hot milk.

When he Ning put the hot milk at hand, she was slightly stunned, picked it up and held it in the palm of her hand.

She felt a line of sight chasing her all the time. She didn't turn her face and didn't look at his direction.

At the moment, she tried her best to suppress pregnancy and vomiting, but she was afraid of being seen through by Shen Jingyu.

Finally, she went to the bathroom and vomited for a while. She was dizzy.

When I came out, I was in a bad mood, but there was still a long report to listen to.

"Young grandma, Third Master, please go to his office to have a rest." Qin Zheng came forward.

"But the meeting over there..."

"Now that the meeting has begun, no one will be allowed in halfway. So you can't go in now. "

He Ning had no choice but to nod: "OK."

She has come. The purpose of her coming today is not to attend the meeting, but to return everything in her hand to Shen Jingyu.

Anyway, we can't talk about it until he comes out.

She entered Shen Jingyu's office. Qin Zheng led her to the wall. There was a door on it, which was very hidden. If it wasn't said, it would be difficult for outsiders to know.

He said, "the Third Master said, you know the password. Here is the third master's resting place. You can also rest in it. "

He Ning thought and pressed Shen Jingyu's birthday. The door opened.

She went in. It was not very big. There was only a bed and a simple desk.

The wedding photos of her and Shen Jingyu were placed on the desk.

She smiled sweetly above, and Shen Jingyu's eyes looked at her affectionately. If it wasn't true, it was because she had first-class acting skills that she could show that kind of eyes.

Beside the wedding dress, there were sleeping pills and a pack of cigarettes.

The cigarette was still brand-new, but the sleeping pill... He Ning took it in his hand and there was only half a bottle left.

They all said that during her absence, Shen Jingyu had trouble sleeping, eating and sleeping

Since he loved her, why did he choose the decision against her will?

Put down the sleeping pills, he Ning stopped thinking and lay down and closed his eyes.

I don't know if it was because she didn't sleep well last night. Now she fell asleep after lying down.

Shen Jingyu left half of the meeting and asked Qin Zheng to take his place.

Although it is unreasonable, he has already started half the way. Other shareholders know that he is busy and it is hard to say anything.

When he pushed the door in, he Ning slept soundly, and his rare face was quiet rather than sad.

Shen Jingyu hasn't seen her show such a face for a long time.