Chapter 516

"No He Ning interrupted her. She subconsciously touched her stomach and would never let them touch her stomach again.

Let them not find that their children are still there.

"You go out. I don't need any recovery."

The nutritionist saw this and said, "let's eat something first. Your body is very weak. These things are very helpful to your recovery."

He Ning slept all night and experienced so many things. Now he is hungry.

However, in the face of the things sent by Shen Jingyu, she didn't want to eat or dare not eat.

She has children in her stomach. If there is anything wrong with the food, she will regret it.

"No, take it all down." Hening refused.

"But grandma, this is the Third Master..."

"I said no. No recovery. You all go out. "

The therapist and nutritionist had to go out.

Shen Jingyu pushed the door and came in.

He Ning's mood is not as excited as before.

But when she raised her eyes, Shen Jingyu saw a cold, silent, suspicious and resistant in her eyes.

All kinds of negative emotions intertwined in her eyes. She would never smile as soon as she saw him as before.

Shen Jingyu's throat slipped: "hening, are you better?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He Ning hooked his lips. "Is the third master going to send me to he Peishan for surgery after I feel better?"

"He Ning!" Shen Jingyu's tone became serious for her distrust.

He Ning raised his head and looked at him with a smile: "otherwise? It's just a miscarriage. The body is not suitable, right? At least I have to rest for a while. I've recovered almost in all aspects. It's convenient for he Peishan to use my body and recover better, isn't it? "

"I will never trade your health for he Peishan's recovery! No one else can! " Shen Jingyu's voice was low and stressed every word.

But no matter what he said now, he Ning didn't want to believe it.

If you don't believe it, you won't be hurt. After so many things, she has deeply understood this.

She looked straight into his eyes, stubborn, cold and contemptuous.

Shen Jingyu was defeated in her eyes. It was his fault that made her bear the pain of losing her son.

This is an irrefutable fact.

"Sorry, he Ning." Shen Jingyu slowed down his voice and said sadly, "I'm sorry for our children. I apologize for taking off the child. "

"I don't expect you to forgive me, but please don't sink into sadness and... Trample on your body."

He Ning looked at him coldly: "apologize? That's a child, our common child, a life! In your mouth, it's a simple apology? Do you think it's useful? "

Shen Jingyu was silent.

No matter how much he said at the moment, he Ning would not forgive him or even feel better.

"At least, you have something to eat." After a long time, Shen Jingyu said.

He Ning shook his head: "unless you let me leave."

She didn't want to stay with him for a second.

"No way!" Shen Jingyu raised his eyes and a thin layer of coolness and pain spread.

What he said will not let he Ning leave his side and a safe environment.


The news that he Ning was still alive soon spread all over Jingyuan and Portugal.