Chapter 502

"Rest early. I'll come early tomorrow morning and take you out of the manor." Chu Zhuohang told me.

Seeing that her hair was scattered in front of her forehead, he stretched out his hand and wanted to tidy it up for her

He Ning was stunned and stepped back. Chu Zhuohang's hand was in mid air, but he didn't touch her hair.

His palm embarrassed for a moment, retracted into a half fist and coughed gently on his lips.

"Then you have an early rest." Chu Zhuohang finished, turned around and left a lonely figure.

He Ning closed the door, leaned on the door and sat down. His heart was full of confusion about the way ahead.

However, when the hand touches the lower abdomen, firm faith rises.

Baby, mom won't let you suffer. I'll do my best to protect you

Outside the window, the night is like water, the stars are shining, and the sound of crickets is transmitted to your ears, making the surroundings more quiet and peaceful.

He Ning calmed down at the thought of leaving tomorrow.

Even if there are more ups and downs in the future, as long as the baby is still there, she will strive to live a good life.

Bang, bang, a knock came, startling hening who was about to sleep.

She put on her clothes and asked suspiciously, "who is it?"

"Si Qing." Si Qing's voice came from the door.

He Ning knows that Si Qing doesn't like himself very much because of Chu Zhuohang.

At ordinary times, she seldom takes the initiative to find herself, and occasionally comes to send something, which is also very reluctantly.

"What's up? If it's not urgent, please come back tomorrow. " He Ning doesn't want to see her cold face.

"Very urgent." Si Qing is always cold.

He Ning had to open the door.

Siqing's face with exquisite makeup is cold, like a piece of ice.

Of course, this is only in front of he Ning.

In front of Chu ye and Chu Zhuohang, she was loyal and smiling.

"What's urgent, you say."

Si Qing glanced at he Ning and said, "you may not believe it. He Peishan is the natural daughter of Lord Chu. "

"Si Qing, I know you don't like me, but you don't have to sow discord in front of me." He Ning never wanted to argue with you about these things, because I never wanted to be angry with you

Si Qing, who does she think of herself?

Si Qing was not angry, but he was still light: "I know you won't believe it. I heard it with my own ears. "

Just now she sent Chu Zhuohang noodles. Chu Zhuohang didn't eat at all and didn't even look at it.

Later, Chu Zhuohang went to Master Chu's room. Si Qing was afraid that he would have something to order at any time, so he followed him.

Just as it happened, he heard all what Lord Chu said in his ears.

As soon as the idea turned, she had an idea in her mind.

This is exactly what she can use.

She has informed the people of he family that he Ning is still alive.

I'm afraid he's on his way now.

As long as he Ning leaves the manor, he family can wait for the opportunity to take him away.

Si Qing is not afraid that Chu Zhuohang blames himself. He Peishan is cured. Chu will be grateful for doing what he doesn't have the heart to do anyway.

Now, her purpose is to cheat hening out of the manor and let her go out of the manor alone and enter the sphere of influence of he family.

"Anything else? If not, I'll have a rest. " He Ning didn't believe her at all. She secretly guessed that she wanted to force herself to leave Chu's house and Chu Zhuohang with tricks.