Chapter 467

Another 24 hours passed.

The number of additional personnel has increased several times.

However, there is still no sign of the existence of hening.

No man alive, no body dead.

The rescue workers who dived into the river changed batch after batch.

But fishing for people in such a big river is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Facing the vast river, Shen Jingyu fell to the ground again.

"Big brother!" Shen Ye holds him, "Qiao Hai, Qin Zheng!"

Shen Jingyu's eyes closed tightly.

The double great consumption of physical and mental strength made him fall into a coma.

In my mind, the beautiful shadow of he Ning passed over and over again

Her smile was beautiful, the pear vortex with tears, the lollipop sent into his mouth, and miscellaneous pictures flashed in her mind.

His eyelids were too heavy to open.

He only remembered that the last time he went to see her was to let her have an abortion.

After making that decision, I don't know whether she heard it or not, but those words were a bloody bayonet for her and not for him?

Hening, I'm sorry.

He just wanted to hug her, warm her, kiss her and comfort her heart.

"He Ning..." he stretched out his hand to catch something, but only caught a blank expanse and nothingness.

In the hospital ward.

Gu Yunchen couldn't help shaking his head: "this is a heart disease. He has to have a good rest and adjustment. I've given him a tranquilizer, hoping to give him a good sleep. "

Ding Qinen said anxiously, "I'm afraid he can't find someone when he wakes up. Where can I bear it? Can you stop letting him out? "

Gu Yunchen spread his hand. What does Shen Jingyu want to do? Where can he stop it?

"Any news from hening?" Ding Qinen asked.

He Yiming shook his head: "still not. I've looked everywhere, but there's no trace of her. "

He also had a hunch that he might never find hening again.

However, he dared not say this in front of Shen Jingyu.

Ding Qinen sighed, "then she may have really..."

Gu Yunchen and he Yiming were silent.

I haven't found it yet. Where is the reason to live?

The whole river has been searched, and tens of thousands of people have been sent to search.

The whole river has been touched everywhere.

If he Ning is still alive, they can't believe it.

Thinking of he Ning, he Yiming and Gu Yunchen are very uncomfortable.

Especially he Yiming. Up to now, ye Shu still ignores him.

But she stayed by the river and said she would not leave until he Ning came back.

He Yiming has no choice but to send more people to search and rescue.


Ding Longwei asked Ms. pan and her subordinates to leave.

"Steward pan, this matter has nothing to do with you. I won't mention your matter to Jing Yu. But I hope you will... Take care of yourself in the future. "

Ms. pan smiled and turned away.

They didn't do it, he Ning had died, which was just what they wanted.

It's best not to involve yourself and the presidential palace.

Ding Langwei watched the figure of Ms. pan and others leave and fell into meditation.

He couldn't protect her after all.

If you want to ask, you can only rot in your stomach.

I don't know what's the relationship between he Ning and Feng Ling?

"Send more people and keep looking." Ding Longwei didn't give up.

As long as there is still a chance, we will not give up the rescue. What we didn't do at the beginning may be a kind of compensation now?