Chapter 132

Chen Fufen fell to the ground and shouted, "they beat people! Call the police, I want to call the police! Manny, call the police! "

Hermani was so angry that she shouted, "I'll call the police and take them all! I don't think there's any king's law! "

She took out her cell phone and called the police.

"Just in time, let the police come and maintain order! Look who dares to make trouble openly at the door of the court! " Shen Jingyu uttered his words with a strong sense of shock and awe.

The reporters were so frightened that they immediately put oil on the soles of their feet and left.

They just received a little money, but they don't want to share anything.

"No one is allowed to go." Shen Jingyu snapped.

Immediately, all these reporters were rushed back and stood shivering together. The man in front of them was too powerful. They felt that things were bad.

Hermann also put down her cell phone. How dare she really call the police?

She gathered the reporter here. As Shen Jingyu said, the court is a solemn and sacred place. How can she make trouble here?

Feeling that the little woman in her arms moved uneasily, Shen Jingyu didn't want to stay more at the moment. He said in a loud voice, "Qin Zheng, call the police!"

"We... You can't call the police... I... we..." he Manny picked up Chen Fufen, who was stunned, and objected incoherently.

However, their opposition had no effect.

Qin Zheng immediately called the police. Later, naturally, the police came to deal with Chen Fufen and he Manny.

Chen Fufen and he mani were so scared that they couldn't stand still. How could this happen? How could this man have the ability to think of such a way to treat them?

"As for these reporters..." Shen Jingyu looked down at he Ning in his arms and thought for a moment.

When the reporters heard what he said, they all turned pale. They didn't know what punishment Shen Jingyu was going to think of.

In front of this man, no matter what his status, they really don't dare to provoke him again.

"Lawyer Nie, tell these reporters the real situation of today's case. If tomorrow's report is well written, it can be exempted from punishment. If you don't write well, don't mix in this circle as soon as possible! " Shen Jingyu finished, picked up he Ning and strode out.

He Ning didn't expect that he would pick himself up in front of so many people.

Besides, she was not hurt. She really doesn't need to be like this

"Yu, you put me down." He Ning was so ashamed that his ears turned into two small tomatoes and struggled in his arms.

"Don't move!" Shen Jingyu hugged her waist and held her tighter. His thin lips were close to her ears, "otherwise, I don't mind asking for you here."

He was very close, and the burning breath passed into her ears.

He Ning smelled that there was a faint smell of wine in his mouth. Looking at him, he should be slightly drunk.

So he drank.

Just now, he was drinking with someone. Did he disturb his business?

"If you are busy, just let someone come. You don't have to come in person." He Ning said in a small voice.

"Of course, you have to come here in person." How could he know that she was bullied and stand idly by?

He Ning felt a little warm in his heart and let him hold himself.

Behind her, Chen Fufen and he Manny followed her with jealous eyes.