Chapter 124

He Manni smiled with a trace of malice on her lips: "and have you forgotten that he Ning won't live long. When she dies, isn't everything ours?"

He Hongtao finally smiled: "that's right."

Over the years, he and he Ning have been too far away, and because of their competition at work, they have long consumed their father daughter relationship.

As soon as he Ning dies, what else is not his family?

While he was talking, someone sent something and handed it to he Hongtao: "Sir, he Ning sued the court for the forcible occupation of shares. The court has issued a summons and will hold a court session on another day."

"What? This rebellious girl! How dare you do that! " He Hongtao trembled with anger.


After he Ning sent the things to the court, he quickly contacted a lawyer.

She must win this lawsuit.

When he Ning's mother died, he divided the company into three parts and gave them to he Hongtao, he Ning and he Manni respectively.

Because he Ning and he Manni are still young, he Hongtao has always been in charge of the three companies.

However, after Chen Fufen married into he's family, she often beat, scold and bully he Ning.

He Ning had to fight for the control of a company when he just turned 16 and moved out of his house.

The benefits of the company he Ning was in charge of far exceeded those when he Hongtao was in charge.

This made he Hongtao lose face and always wanted to take it away in various ways.

This time, he Ning not only wants to get it back, but also takes back the company that his mother left to he mani.

He mani is not her mother's daughter. He Ning must seek justice for her mother and take back the share in her hand!

On the day of the hearing, he Hongtao, Chen Fufen and he Manny arrived early in the morning and waited at the door of the court.

They have already invited Lawyer Chen, the best lawyer in Portugal, with a clear mind.

He Ning came alone, and Gong Zeye was the only one to accompany her.

Even the lawyer she had already contacted did not show up.

He Ning frowned slightly. She had agreed with the lawyer that she would arrive early this morning. Now he hasn't arrived yet?

He Ning took out his cell phone and dialed the lawyer.

He Manni stepped forward two steps and said with a smile, "don't waste your mind. The lawyer you hired won't come."

"What did you do?" He Ning doesn't have to guess. He mani did it.

She put down her cell phone and stopped making phone calls in vain.

"I just want to tell you, if it's not yours, don't grab it. You said you wasted so much effort to get so much equity and money to raise wild men? I think you'd better save it. Not only this lawyer, but also other lawyers in Portugal will not help you. After all, sister Yichen has already helped me out and said hello to them... "He Manny is very proud. Even if she wants to go to court today, she is dressed in colorful clothes, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and bracelets.

Xie Yichen finally came out of the devil training camp last time. She not only didn't reflect, but hated he Ning and wanted revenge.

As soon as he mani found her, she immediately came forward and made use of the relationship of the Shen family to widely contact lawyers in Portugal, blocking the back road of he Ning.

He Ning guessed this, but did not flinch: "it's no use even if you buy lawyers all over the world! The court will appoint a lawyer for me! "