Fanfan is too rich, isn't it?

Ji Qing was dumbfounded, Fanfan and Tiantian are equally cute!

Because the two had something to talk about, the children went back to a room to play.

At this moment, only Ji Qing and Lin Wanhan were left in the hall.

Lin Wanhan was the first to speak: "Xiao Qing, I know what you want to tell me. I did love him, and I can't forget him now, but this is just my wishful thinking and my own passion."

"He never thought about being with me at all, maybe he didn't take me to heart at all, I won't bother him, I have been taking care of my children all these years, and I am used to it I won't bother him anymore."

"I know that the person he loves has always been you. I knew it very early on, but I still can't help falling in love with him."

"He's really nice, he's not bad, I know you don't love him, and it's just his wishful thinking that he loves you, so I think I'm pretty similar to him in this regard."

"He sent me to prison cruelly. At that time, my heart was very painful, my heart was cold, and I hated him. I tried to forget him, but forgetting a person is easier said than done."

"It took me a few months to fall in love with him, but it took me four years to forget him. I really can't forget him, but I will keep this love in my heart."

"Although I really want Fanfan to have a father, love can't be forced. If Fanfan really wants to have a father, it must be waiting for him to fall in love with me, not because he feels guilty and wants to be with me responsibly."

"Although it is impossible for him to fall in love with me, there is always a dream. What if it comes true?"

"In the past four years, my hatred for him has faded, but my love for him has not faded. Instead, my love has grown deeper and deeper."

When Lin Wanhan finished speaking, Ji Qing hugged her, then patted her on the back lightly, comforting her: "Wanwan, no matter what decision you make, I will support you, since you use If you haven't forgotten him for four years, it proves that you still love him, and you and him may still be together. No matter what, I still say that, Wanwan, go after him if you like, I know you I'm afraid that he will reject you, but if you don't try it, how will you know the result?"

"You think he loves me, but you're wrong. He just treats me like a younger sister. He doesn't recognize his heart. When he recognizes his heart, he will be with you."

"Wan Wan, you said you liked him, but you never confessed to him. How did he know that you liked him? Some things just need to be tried, don't you?"

"You have pulled Fanfan so far, you must have had a hard time these years, why don't you confess your love to him now, warm him up, and let him accompany you to take care of the meal?"

"Wanwan, you have to firmly believe that nothing is impossible in this world."

Lin Wanhan's eyes flickered, even if she boldly confessed to him.

Will he accept her?

Certainly not!

"Xiaoqing, I am very tired of loving, and I am afraid that he will reject me. To tell you the truth, I am living a pretty good life now. Without him, I can grow up by myself."

Ji Qing sighed: "Wanwan, I still hope you can let him know your love for him, even though he will reject you, you have no regrets, do you?"