His method really worked for her.

She was instantly appeased like a kitten whose fur had blown up.

Seeing her who is not noisy, his eyebrows became more gentle, and his voice softened a lot: "Be obedient."

A smile couldn't help appearing on Ji Qing's face. Feeling sleepy, she slightly leaned her head against his chest, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Soon, she fell asleep.

Gu Ji looked down at the person in his arms, his brows and eyes became softer, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said in a low voice: "Fool."

Then he gently put her on the bed and let her lie down.

Gu Jishen sat on the chair next to her and watched her sleep.

At this moment, her face was already a little bloody, and she was not as pale as before.

He stared at her for a long time, and then thought of meeting the client tomorrow morning, so he walked out of the ward lightly.

Special Assistant Ling originally wanted to go back to the hotel, but he thought that if the president came to him in the middle of the night, he would have to rush over from the hotel, so he felt a little troublesome, so he sat in the corridor.

He just felt a little sleepy and hadn't fully fallen asleep yet.

Gu Jishen came to his side, he raised his head immediately, and then looked at Gu Jishen: "President, is Madam awake?"

Gu Jishen nodded: "Yes, I'm awake."

"It's good that madam wakes up, it's good when she wakes up." Assistant Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Jishen glanced at him lightly: "Put back tomorrow's and the day after tomorrow's schedule."

"President, although Madam is more important than work, work is also very important. How about you go to work and let me stay and take care of Madam?"

"Didn't you just look at the things that pregnant women need to pay attention to? I have seen a little bit and learned a little knowledge. If you think it is not enough, then I can search it on Baidu and read it carefully."

"President, what do you think?"

After Special Assistant Ling finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. He didn't call himself just now!

Gu Ji said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense! I tell you to push back and push back."

"However, we have already made an agreement with the client. If we break the appointment, will it anger them? Is this not good? And..." Assistant Ling was still thinking about saying something about you, but Gu Jishen turned cold interrupted.

Gu Jishen narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold light in his eyes: "Are you sure?"

Special Assistant Ling felt a chill all over his body, the anxiety on his face disappeared, and he regained a respectful attitude: "I see, President, I will do whatever you say, and I will never let you You are disappointed, after all, it is Madam who is important."

"En." After Gu Jishen finished speaking, he was about to walk back.

"President, have you told the master about Madam's pregnancy? If the master finds out, he will be very happy. You must know that he always expects you to give birth to a grandson..."

Gu Jishen narrowed his eyes slightly: "He knows."

Assistant Ling blinked lightly: "Did the master know so soon?"

The master also knew the news too quickly.

"I'm thinking, if you haven't told the master yet, President, I'm going to call and tell the master..."

Gu Jishen's eyes flickered for a moment: "In the future, I will take the initiative to tell Grandpa about her matter, so you don't need to report it!"

"Okay, President." This will save him a lot of effort!

Assistant Ling had no idea what Gu Jishen was thinking.