"But Mommy, I'm not hungry. What can I do?" Nadia just didn't want to be with Brandy.

"Nadia, even if you are not hungry, you have to have dinner with us. Aunt Brandy is our guest today. You should be polite!" Charles scolded in a low voice.

"Let's go. I'm hungry now!" After saying that, Bobby went straight to the car parking by the roadside.

"Bobby... You..." Nancy wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought. No matter what dissatisfaction this little guy had with Brandy, he should have greeted her. Why did he just leave with a cold face?

"I'm sorry, Director Brandy. My two kids are not well behaved sometimes. Please don't mind!" On the contrary, Nancy felt a little embarrassed. Although Bobby was a cold man, he was not an impolite child. But his attitude in front of Brandy was... It seemed too cold.

Perhaps, seeing Charles and Brandy together, not only her, but also the children were jealous.

"How can I mind? I like children very much. Beside

Charles looked at Nancy made her jealous.

There were too much affection in his eyes, which were totally different from the way he looked at her.

Did Charles really love Nancy? Wasn't it because of the existence of the kids?

Brandy was lost in various fancies and conjectures until she heard Nancy's gentle voice, "Director Brandy, we're here. We can get off the car."

Brandy raised her head in a hurry and saw the children had already got off the car. At the gate of the car, Charles and Nancy were looking at her with a smile.

"Ah, I am coming." Brandy regained her composure and got off the car with an awkward smile.

At this moment, she really regretted that she came to the dinner today only to see Charles and Nancy showing off their love.

And she became an outsider in front of them!

No, she had always been an outsider, but only now did she realize it.

Brandy liked Chinese food, but today, facing a large table of delicacies, she lost her appetite.