Eva smiled sadly, "Mom, if you feel uncomfortable, just forget it. Today is only for us. It doesn't matter how my birthday is celebrated."

"No, it's not like that. I'll call Jay right now." Pam didn't want to disappoint Eva, so she called her Jay unwillingly.

As Pam expected, Jay agreed without hesitation.

Pam, on the other hand, was uneasy. She was afraid that Eva still had feelings for Jay. In this way, only Eva would suffer.

Because it was impossible for anything to happen between Jay and Eva. Now he had his own family, his wife and child...

Well, even if Jay didn't have a family, a wife or a child, but Eva now... It was impossible for Jay to accept it.

No one knew how miserable Pam felt.

Pam calmed down and asked the servant to prepare the food that Eva liked. When she went upstairs, she saw Eva putting on makeup in front of the mirror.

In order to cover up her pale face, she used the blusher. She looked very beautiful.

"Wow, you're s

ading wings, and everything is smooth... " Eva pointed at the dishes.

She couldn't remember these dishes' name now. At that time, Jay just wanted to please Eva. How could he really like them?

Later, Eva had a car accident, and he didn't like these dishes either.

Maybe, he had never liked them.

Now seeing the excited look of Eva, a sense of guilt came back to Jay.

"Thank you, Eva." Said Jay.

"Don't be so formal with me. Sit down and tell me about your current life. Are you very happy now? Have you ever thought of me? I tell you. These days, I always dream of you, dreaming of the time when I was with you in the past. Was the life at that time very beautiful? You bought me a lot of ice creams in summer, and my favorite food is strawberry flavor. You bought me two ice creams every time, one for yourself, and once again I was on my period... " Eva kept talking. Then she suddenly blushed and stopped talking when she talked about that awkward matter.