Chapter 683 Making Trouble Out Of Nothing

"Bobby, you just like to make trouble out of nothing?" Charles scolded.

"No, no, I'm telling the truth. Aunt Brandy is so considerate and gentle. She must understand children's feelings, right?" Bobby looked at Brandy.

"Yes, Bobby is right. Kids will feel insecure if the adults quarrel with each other. We're adults. We should think more for them, so I'd better resign!" Brandy said with an embarrassed smile.

Charles didn't answer, but looked at Nancy, "Tell me, did you come up with this idea?"

Nancy was stunned, "Me? How is that possible? I went to the operating room as soon as I came to work. When did I discuss such a boring thing with the children? Charles, can you be more rational? Or are you still immersed in the drunkenness the night before yesterday and unwilling to wake up? "

"Nancy..." Charles scolded again.

Because if Brandy left here, Nancy would benefit. In other words, Nancy was the person who wanted Brandy to le

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Fannie asked curiously.

"I was cheated..." Jill cried.

"Don't let my father hear that. Who cheat you?" Fannie asked anxiously.

"A toy boy asked me to invest in his business and become a shareholder. I thought our money was no use if we don't spend it and it was a good way to invest and make money, so I agreed. But that I couldn't find that bastard after he got the money. I waited for him the whole night, but I didn't see him. Waah... Fannie, what should I do now? " Jill burst into tears.

"How much is it?" Fannie asked in a low voice.

"Ten million!" Jill cried.

"Ten million?" Fannie asked with her eyes wide open.

Jill thumped her chest and said, "Don't ask, Fannie. I gave all my money to him. I wanted to make money, but that bastard ran away with money. What should I do? Tell me, what should I do? Otherwise, I will die... "

Then Jill really ran to the window and was about to jump down.