Charles certainly knew what Bobby meant. Bobby was afraid that the he would not share a room with Nancy.

Look, this was growth.

A few months ago, they had been spying on the time when he was with Nancy. Now, they were so considerate that they seemed to understand everything.

They understood that it was natural for parents to sleep together.

"Yes, I will." Charles smiled with relief, turned around and closed the door of Bobby gently.

Charles came to the bedroom and saw that Nancy had fallen asleep with a book in her hand.

Her little fair face was transparent against the light, as if every hair could be seen clearly.

She frowned slightly and didn't look very happy.

So many things had happened recently, of course she was unhappy. Like him, he was also unhappy.

'Nancy, I'm not happy, either. Do you know?

Why do we make trouble for each other?

Can't we get along well with each other?'

Charles sighe

"Humph! He is coveting my woman. Do I have to endure him?" Charles snorted.

Nancy took a deep breath and said, "Charles, you are horribly selfish. You feel not satisfied with what has already been obtained. I just ask Rick to help me treat Nana's disease. In fact, I know everything. Don't use me as an excuse. You are not afraid of what happened between me and Rick. What you are afraid of is that Rick will cure Nana's disease and tell people the inside story of Romantic Private Club. Charles, why are you so afraid? Are you the boss of Romantic Private Club? "

These words were not blurted out by Nancy on impulse. Nana was sometimes in a good condition and sometimes not, and the medicine of Nana had been changed inexplicably. These things were done secretly. Who could be so powerful?

David was arrested now. Dale was dead, and Derrick couldn't go anywhere now. It seemed that no one could harm Nana except for Charles.