Nancy looked at Fannie's smooth shoulder, and then at the almost uncontrollable expression on Caspar's face.

Then she turned around and ran out angrily. Tears streamed down her face as she ran on the street alone. She didn't even care if anyone would see her being miserable.

At that time, it felt as though she had lost the whole world. Being cheated on by the man she trusted the most broke her.

They had been together for so long, but in the end, she found out that the man she loved was a complete scumbag.

Then she met Charles.

There was no doubt that she had loved Charles deeply. If truth be told, she was still in love with him. But there were too many bumps on their road that she couldn't bear, so she wanted to escape from him.

There was no heartache or loss with him, only sadness and confusion.

If Charles was just another man who would be part of her past, Nancy didn't know what to do with her future anymore. Who would be the man she would marry? Who would be the man she would stay with for the rest of her life?

Or, she just had to be alone for the rest of her life?

No. She still had her children. Even if she l

cy turned around, she saw Hiram who just got out of the car.

'It must be Charles who asked him to pick up the kids,' she thought.

"Yes, I'm free today, so I want to pick up the kids." A smile appeared on her face.

"Yes. I saw you get out of the taxi just now. Where is Mr. Fu? Why didn't he come with you?" Curiosity was evident in his eyes when he asked this.

After all, Hiram had been with the kids since last night when Charles said Nancy was sick and had to have an intravenous drip in the hospital. She was sick, so Charles should've accompanied her today to pick up the children. But why did Nancy come alone by a taxi?

It didn't seem to be Charles' style of doing things! What happened between the two of them again? Whenever there was something wrong with their relationship, it was Hiram who suffered. That was why he couldn't help but be worried.

"Maybe he has something to deal with in the company, so I came by myself." What did Nancy mean by 'maybe'?

Nancy's ambiguous expression made Hiram a little confused. His brows furrowed as he thought of what had happened again. Alas, Hiram felt his head was beginning to ache.