What Erin said shocked Nancy.

What happened between her and Rick?

"What photos? Erin, I don’t understand what you’re saying." Confusion was written all over Nancy’s face. Why did other people know something about her that she didn’t?

"I can tell from your expression that you know nothing about what happened. Look at this." The next second, Nancy was already holding Erin's phone.

Pointing at Rick’s face, Erin commented, "You two look good together, but I think you and Mr. Fu are a perfect match. Rick's eyebrows are so thin, as well as his lips. His lips are definitely not as sexy as Mr. Fu's. Why do you like such a boring man?"

"Erin, stop! I swear nothing’s going on between me and Rick. I don't like him either..." Nancy smacked her lips and added, "I have nothing to do with Rick. I have told Charles about this. This photo... Who took this photo? That person is so immoral!"

People's presumptions made Nancy upset. She didn't know what was wrong with them nowadays. How could they say that she fell in love with a man just because she had a meal with him?

Did it mean that she could only be with women all her life,

"Well, I'll get you some water now."

With a smile, Nancy helped Nana sit on the edge of the bed, poured Nana a glass of water and asked Nana to take the medicine.

"If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. If I'm not here, please tell the nurses. They are all good people," said Nancy.

"Okay." Her lips moved a little, indicating that she smiled.

This time, Rick's medicine worked. Nana looked so much better now compared this morning.

If Nancy was right, Nana would be able to recall what happened in the club in a few days.

No matter how eager she was to know everything, Nancy clearly knew that she couldn't rush things.

She had to wait until Nana recovered completely.

"Good girl." The way Nancy spoke sounded like she was coaxing a child.

Somehow, it was effective, because Nana grinned at her.

Since Nana was awake now, Nancy took the opportunity to spend time with her.

They chatted happily about the birds outside the window, the flowers in the flowerpot, and even a leaf...

They were all easy topics, and Nancy didn't mention anything about the past.

She had to wait for Nana to speak first.