"My father was possessed by the devil. I don't know who is more important to him now. If he favors Nancy yet again, we will be sending him to the nursing home," Fannie said, talking under her breath.

"Fanny, stop being silly! Clearly, Clark is our easiest way to sustenance. We can always use him to blackmail Charles and Nancy. If we allow him to end up in the nursing home, Charles and Nancy will have no reason to provide us with money anymore. You really are silly… so silly," said Jill, in disgust.

"Mom, stop calling me silly! If you continue acting like this and calling me that, I swear, I will go mad. For the last time, I am not silly!" Fannie rolled her eyes at her mom.

"You…" Jill breathed out an exasperated sigh. "Alright. Fannie, you have been acting like this ever since you were little. You can't catch up with Nancy in any aspect."

"Are you really my mother?! Clark is now helping Nancy. Are you going to go out of your way to help her now, too? My life is so miserable! My parents don't even love me!"

"Of course not! There is no truth to that! Yes, Clark is not your biological father but why d

at she had to say. I promise you I will never get back to doing that again!" Clark said with regret.

"Yeah, right! Mom, see? Dad has really been enlightened!" Fannie said with a warm smile trying to convince her mom.

What Fannie used to hate the most was Clark's partiality. In his eyes before, Nancy was always good at everything and Fannie seemed to be good for nothing.

But now that he realized that Fannie was actually great, how could Fannie not feel happy about it?

"All right! Since it does seem that you have finally come to your senses, I accept you apology!" Jill said while lazily taking the coffee from Clark's hand.

"Thank you, my dear wife!" Clark continued.

"Yay, this makes me really happy! I wish we do receive the money tomorrow. Take the coffee as wine. Let's have a toast to celebrate!" Fannie said while raising her cup and clinked it with Jill's.

"Drink it, Mom!" Fannie added.

"Right, okay. I'm thirsty now, anyway." Jill sat properly and drank her coffee.

Clark stared at Fanny as a bead of sweat ran down his temple.

He was worried that Fannie might not drink the coffee.