Daisy felt uneasy.

She wasn't aware that Joseph didn’t have his phone on him at the moment.

As soon as he entered the police station, the police had confiscated his phone.

Joseph was now seated in the interrogation room and the police had just begun their inquiry.

They asked him about the Romantic Public Club. It was the first time he had heard the name, but it was registered by his grandfather. He had no idea that it even existed.

Joseph didn’t know whether Derrick had something to do with this or not.

No matter how much the police asked, Joseph denied having any knowledge of the matter. "I don’t know anything about this club. I just found out that it existed. I have no idea what kind of projects it runs."

Joseph was telling the truth, but the police refused to believe him.

"We want to find out if your father has the right to operate this club. What kind of projects does he run there? Please answer me."

The police had asked him this repeatedly, but Joseph’s answe

ved in this. It would be better if Joseph didn’t know anything. If he were involved, this crime would be more complicated.

"Charles, I don’t know anything. What else can I say? You..." Joseph glanced at the policeman carefully before lowering his voice. "You don’t know anything about this, do you?"

"I only know about the Romantic Private Club. What else would I know about it?" Charles was telling him the truth. He only found out about the club after all these years. As for what was going on inside the club, he assumed that only Derrick knew the details.

"That’s good. The less we know, the better. The one who got us into this mess should bear the responsibility alone. We shouldn’t suffer for him, right?" Joseph still didn’t realize the role Derrick played in this matter. He only thought that David and Dale were the culprits.

"You’re right. I’ll talk to the police now. Give them your phone," Charles instructed.

"Okay." Joseph confidently handed his phone over to the police.