"You know what? These are all Joseph and Derrick's fault. They don't want us to live a peaceful live. Now that everything's a mess, they must be very happy." Angelina sobbed, "I also regret it now. Although Nancy is from a poor family, she is a good person. Do you think so?"

Nodding his head, Hardy replied, "Yes, I've always thought that Nancy is a good woman."

"Then why didn't we let her marry Charles earlier and make such a mess instead? Now... We don't know where she is now. What should we do?" Since the day Nancy had gone missing, Angelina lost a lot of weight. She was remorseful and anxious that she couldn't eat properly. "If Nancy dies, what about the two children? No... Nancy won't die."

Taking back what she had said, Angelina patted her mouth. "I'm talking nonsense. I'm talking nonsense."

"She won't die. How could she die so easily?" answered Hardy. Their conversation was interrupted by Derrick's scream.

"Hardy, if you don't come to save me, I will be tortured to death by your son."

To D

moment, Derrick faltered. "He said he hated you very much. If you hadn't exposed Anna and me... Joseph should've been married Anna and the baby wouldn't die, so I suspect... This is..."

To add a little suspense, David stopped midsentence.

Looking at Derrick with his cold eyes, Charles asked, "Do you think David did it?"

"It's just a presumption. I don't have any evidence. You know, evidence is necessary for everything, so you should find one first." Knowing his nephew, Derrick had predicted what he was going to do next.

After getting some information from him, Charles would confront David.

David would definitely bite back when he knew that Derrick told on him. However, Derrick just had no choice but to pass the buck to David to stall Charles.

It would take some time for Charles to figure everything out.

At that time, David and Derrick worked together to buy shares from TS Group and they would achieve their goal.

It was a beautiful fantasy, but it was also difficult to put into action.