Early in the morning, Nancy and the kids showered and wore their outfits. Then, they all boarded the car so that Nancy could send the children to Doris.

At that moment, Jay just arrived at Derrick's house.

Jay and Hiram were the main characters that day. As such, they were busy arranging several things.

When Nancy arrived at Doris's house with the children, Doris was in her living room. She was knitting a sweater for her child.

Nancy told Doris in advance that the two children would arrive here that morning.

Doris was reluctant to accept the children, but she couldn't reject them. She pondered what her past self would do.

Since she was Nancy's best friend, Doris already earned Nancy's trust.

However, Doris was still hadn't recovered her memories, so she was in fear of being embarrassed to see Nancy.

To calm herself, Doris looked for some wool and knitted a sweater.

Finally, Nancy walked in with Bobby and Nadia. With a bright smile, Doris greeted in a hurry, "Hello, Nancy."

Luckily, Doris had a photo of Nancy in her gallery of her mobile phone. Otherwise, she would not know how Nancy looked.

"Hello, Doris!

However, Bobby still felt something was strange with their godmother that day. With the remote control in his hands, he randomly adjusted the channels.

"Huh? When did you change your TV, godmother?" Bobby suddenly asked with a confused expression.

A long time ago, he had already visited this house. However, the television in front of him seemed different from what he remembered.

Unfortunately, Doris had no idea that the television had changed nor how the previous one looked.

"What do you mean? I didn't change it! It's the same television. Maybe you just don't remember it right." Doris snickered to hide her confusion.

"Huh? I don't think so." Bobby strangely looked at Doris. "Godmother, your TV used to have black sides. Now, its sides are white. Are you sure you didn't change it?"

"Well, I... I forgot about it. Don't overthink. It's just a TV. I watch it without any care about the color of its sides. Don't ask me any more questions. I'm going to carry out the prenatal education for the baby!" With an expression of panic, Doris changed the topic immediately.

"Huh? What is prenatal education?" Nadia curiously asked.