Something was fishy about it, but Charles was not sure if Derrick was already dead or not so it was hard to make a conclusion.

But right now, saving Derrick was their priority.

A policeman came over and said, "Mr. Fu, let's go to the hospital together."


"Please cooperate with our investigation." Since Hiram was working for Charles, the traffic police had to come with them.

Charles had no choice but to agree, "Okay."

At this moment, Nancy was in the hospital. She went to see Frederic in the ward first, but when he saw her, his face became gloomier.

So after asking about the situation, she immediately left.

As soon as she walked out of the ward, she received a call from President Hobart.

Then she rushed to the orthopedics department.

When Nancy arrived, Ethan was already there.

Nancy smiled at him politely.

The moment she heard that Ethan had been doing well in both work and love recently, Nancy felt relieved.

It turned out that no matter how persistent your feelings were, there would come a day when they would fa

opened his eyes yet. He can't say a word either. Look, is he still alive?" Joseph cried.

"Charles, Hiram, both of you are murderers!" The bodyguards behind him didn't dare to go forward; instead, they stood behind Joseph and cheered for him.

At this moment, another group of people rushed over, each holding a microphone and carrying a camera.

They must be reporters.

This matter had already been known to the whole world, not to mention the most aggressive reporters.

In the past, no matter how trivial it was, the reporters would make a fuss. Now that such a big thing happened, how could the reporters not exaggerate?

All the major media had sent out first-line reporters to compete for exclusive news.

Everyone could guess what would be on the front page tomorrow.

What Joseph did today made Hiram guiltier. He felt ashamed that he couldn’t even look at Charles.

So he immediately ordered his men to come over and surround the people brought by Joseph.

Especially the reporters who were all busy taking photos and asking endless questions.