Ever since Charles became the president of the TS Group, Derrick was the most disgruntled person in the company.

It was not easy for him to come back this time. Besides, he was able to get his father's shares and several shareholders' secret support. How could he give up so easily?

In the TS Group.

In the CEO office of Charles.

Hiram placed his phone in front of Charles and said, "This is the video of them having fun together. How about…"

Charles cut him off and lazily picked up the phone to check the video. He nonchalantly glanced at the screen with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Sir, that Anna..." Hiram said cautiously.

Charles sneered in reply. "She’s nothing. Derrick’s using her and she can’t cause too much trouble. However, she hurt Nancy badly. If Derrick falls, Anna wouldn’t be so bold anymore. We should deal with him first!"

"Sir, do you have a plan?" Hiram asked, unconvinced.

Derrick was different from the other shareholders. He was Charles’ uncle and a par


"So you are aware that you’re almost thirty years old! You’re only two years younger than Charles. Look at him! He’s already successful. What about you? You’re just a loser! You disappoint me, Joseph!"

"It’s not like we’re short on money. What’s the rush?" Joseph whispered, holding his head.

"You’re a coward! What did you say? Tell me again!" Derrick had always been proud and arrogant. In his eyes, Joseph stayed a child and never went on to achieve anything.

This made Derrick furious. He went after Joseph with his towel.

Joseph was cunning and ran to the tea table.

Derrick chased after him around the tea table.

The two continued to chase after one another while arguing. Derrick’s phone suddenly rang.

Derrick stopped running after him, out of breath. He pulled out his phone and saw that it was a call from Frederic. "Your grandfather has rarely called me through the years, but now he calls me willingly. What could this mean? He must be disappointed with Charles, right?"