It took some time but Doris finally calmed down. She ran her fingers through her hair then buried her face in her hands. She asked herself exasperatedly, "Ugh! Doris, do you love Jay or not?" Dammit! I don't know whether I really love him or not. But it's true that I love money!"

Every time she tried thinking about love, she felt tormented!

She couldn't even look Jay directly in the eyes. They had spent every day together, yet she still had to be cautious around him.

Anyway, today was the day for her antepartum examination. She had already planned on asking Nancy to come with her. But out of the blue, Jay wanted to go to the hospital with her. She didn't quite expect him to take the initiative.

Doris somewhat felt flattered. He was so sweet!

They were in the car when she saw a scene she wasn't expecting to see. As they drove past a coffee shop, she saw Charles sitting across an attractive woman.

"What a jerk! Charles is supposed to get married to Nancy soon. How could he be on a date with another woman?! Stop the car right now! I want to go in and take a look!" Doris was getting so worked up that she ended up shouting.

"Don't be ridiculous! You don't even know the truth yet. Stop jumping to conclusions! What if she's actually a client? What should we do then? Let's not embarrass ourselves." Jay knew Charles better than Doris did. Charles wasn't a man of loose morals. He wouldn't do something so dishonest. However, he couldn't understand why he didn't have an assistant or bodyguard with him. If he was meeting a client, why would he go alone?

This arrangement did seem more like a date! But he couldn't say that out loud, especial

, Nancy? He can't even vouch for himself. How can you expect him to vouch for Charles?" They continued the rest of their trip in silence. They went their separate ways as they arrived at the hospital.

Nancy had been deep in thought ever since they left the coffee shop.

All she could think about was the expression on Charles' face as he was talking to that woman. He seemed happy with her.

She wondered if she should take the initiative and be the one to break up with Charles. Or...

No! She needed some time to calm down! She had to sort this out by herself.

After her work shift, Nancy immediately called Edward. She said she was going to B City for a business trip and asked him to take care of her children while she was away.

Edward was startled because he knew Charles and Nancy were supposed to get married soon. Why was she suddenly going on a business trip?

What on earth did Charles do? What happened?

Edward was confused, but he didn't dare ask. Whatever the reason was, it was none of his business. "Okay, I will." He felt like had no other choice but to oblige.

A few days had passed since Nancy left for B City. He still couldn't understand how Charles could ignore Nancy as she went on a business trip with their wedding drawing closer.

It was really strange! He had to find out what happened.

Edward turned on his phone and searched for the news about Nancy and Charles' wedding. However, he found nothing!

Instead, he saw some shocking news. Nancy and Charles had broken up! Their break-up was all over the internet.

A deep crease appeared on Edward's brow. What the hell happened? He pondered over this news for a while.