Nancy had a bad feeling.

If she showed up with Charles and the children, Angelina was sure to show up in time.

Nancy imagined Angelina sneering at her with a cold face. She would surely say that she didn’t belong with Charles.

It had been a while since Nancy saw Angelina and Hardy.

Nancy thought that was a bit odd.

On the outside, Angelina looked simple, but Nancy knew better. Angelina was a snake. Back then, Nancy was framed by Jill and Fannie. She suspected that Angelina might’ve had something to do with it. She had to be on her guard!

Lost in her thoughts, Nancy suddenly heard a voice from upstairs.

"Nadia and Bobby are here!"

Nancy looked up to see Angelina and Hardy coming from upstairs.

Out of politeness, Nancy greeted them with a smile, "Hello, Aunt, Uncle, Charles drove us here today."

She wanted to imply that it wasn’t her idea to come here.

Although this was true, Nancy took the opportunity to show off her attitude.

her away again and stormed out of the room, feeling like he might explode.

"What am I supposed to say to that? Just say what you mean! I’m not afraid to break up with you. Don’t talk bad about Edward anymore, okay?" She quickly realized that he was in a foul mood because of Edward.

The thought of it was unbearable for Nancy. She had explained everything she needed to explain to Edward. What more could she say?

"You want to break up? No way!" he shot back before leaving.

Nancy was frozen in the middle of the room, stuck in a daze. "Damn it, Charles! If you don’t want to get married, just tell me! Why are you leaving?"

Nancy was frustrated by the whole situation.

Charles stormed into the bedroom as Nancy watched from the corridor.

She couldn’t decide if she should stay or go to Edward’s house.

"What's wrong, Nancy?" Frederic also noticed that something had been bothering Charles for some time, but couldn’t ask in front of the children.