The waiter was almost frozen and paled to death as Doris suddenly appeared with her nose flaring and brows tightly knitted. She was obviously about to raise hell all over that place. "H-He is in a one of our themed rooms, the one called ‘love’. M-Mr. Fang said it was more fun to drink in a room like that!" the poor waiter uttered, stuttering out of nervousness.

"Humph! What a jerk!" Doris pushed the waiter away and directly barged into the room angrily.

Meanwhile, inside were Libby and Jay, who were evidently drunk already as evidenced by his swaying and bloodshot eyes. And to make it worse, his white shirt was smeared with lipstick.

The mere sight of that would definitely enrage the lioness that was Doris.

"Humph!" she sneered upon setting foot inside the room. A mixture of jealousy and pique was written all over her face. And because they didn’t seem to recognize her presence, she raised her voice and mocked, "No wonder the receptionist didn't tell me which room you are in. She probably didn’t want me to disturb you two!"

As he was drunk as a skunk, Jay’s vision was blurry. Although he couldn’t see clearly, there was no way he wouldn’t recognize that voice. 'Didn't she say she’s going to bed early? Why is she here?' he thought, not expecting that Doris would come here at this hour.

With an evil smile, Jay voiced out what he was thinking. "Hey! I thought you said you’re going to sleep early. What are you doing here?"

Upon hearing what he said, Doris crossed her arms against her chest and raised her right brow. "I can’t fall asleep so I came here to

an you go out and play with another woman when you’re married! You are so irresponsible! If I had known this earlier, I would not have married you!"

"As long as I stay alive, you would still be my wife!" Silly as he was, Jay even managed to flash a grin amidst Doris’ frantic flare-up.

On top of this, he couldn’t even stand straight while carrying her. Doris worried that she would get thrown on the ground accidentally.

If she was alone, she wouldn’t even care a single bit, but a baby was inside her.

Jay was aware of this and as such tried his best to be careful, fearing of hurting their baby.

"Put me down!" She pounded on his back again and struggled slightly.

"No, I'll take you home!" The conviction was so evident in his voice as Jay firmly insisted on keeping her in his arms.

After all, it was a bar. Although it was late at night, a lot people were still having fun, some already wasted and others on the way to tipsiness.

So, he stormed outside of the themed room with Doris hanging on his shoulder. When people saw him walk out with a woman in his arms, they couldn't help whispering, "Hey, who is Jay holding?"

"I don't know!"

"She’s so beautiful!"

"Well, that’s Jay for you. He’d always have a pretty woman with him!" The bystanders and other customers gossiped as they watched the two barge outside.

At the same time, the receptionist, who wanted to join in on the gossip, walked over and stated, "Well, don't you know the romantic affairs of Mr. Fang? That woman is pregnant with his illegitimate child. She’s probably here to blackmail him!"