Even though Hiram was going to rush over to the school right now, it was still going to take him thirty minutes to get there. The kids would still have to wait.

When Hiram finally arrived at the kindergarten, he saw the two children sitting in the classroom, drawing.

"Sorry, I'm late," Hiram apologized in a hurry.

"It's okay; this is hardly the first time something like this has happened. Mr. Sun, you don't have to apologize," the teacher said with a smile.

"Children, I'm here now. Do you guys want to leave?" Hiram looked at Bobby and Nadia and asked.

The two kids didn't even look at him when they saw him. Hiram was oddly disappointed.

Nadia tossed her brush aside and said, "Okay, Uncle Hiram."

"How about you, Bobby?" Hiram asked again.

Bobby pressed his lips and said nothing. He slowly folded the drawing and put it into his pocket.

Hiram noticed Bobby's drawing looked like his family. The title was 'a happy family'.

He sigh

were lost, it plagued her with this constant nightmare. She didn't want that to happen again.

Charles thought for a while and said, "I'll call Jay first. If the children are not at his home, we'll call the police."

"I hope they're there," Nancy said wishfully.

However, Charles didn't expect that he couldn't reach to both Jay and Doris.

"Damn it!" Charles cursed.

"What's wrong with them today? Why is nobody answering my call?" Nancy was on the verge of tears. "Charles, let's call the police."

"Okay, call the police." Charles couldn't take it anymore. He was too afraid that something bad had happened to the children so he phoned the police.

"Doris, are you also upset with me? Why aren't you answering the phone?" Not giving up, Nancy called again.

She tried and tried but to no avail.

"Damn it! Doris, you are pregnant. Why aren't you at home? Where are you?" Nancy, who never swore, was cursing frantically. She was visibly anxious.