"Anna's life?" Charles asked surprised. "Oh, so the reason why she wanted to commit suicide is being fired?" he asked again, crossing his hands. He could almost pity her if he didn’t know firsthand what she’d done. It was well-known that David spoiled his daughter very much. Charles was sure it was another attempt of Anna to get away without a punishment. As a matter of fact, Charles could figure out that Anna was just threatening him with her life.

However, it was impossible to make David see what was right in front of his eyes.

Charles knew all about a father's love and feelings. He knew that he would do anything to protect his children. It was understandable that David loved his daughter so much. But it was unreasonable that David couldn't tell right from wrong. It was a crime to support something so morally wrong. 'What a mess,' he thought.

Charles was starting to feel the beginning of a headache. However, David was nothing but relentless. He put on a flattering smile and said, "Yes, Mr. Fu. If President Hobart hadn't pushed her too hard, how could Anna want to commit suicide?"

Charles still had a cold face. A muscle twitched in his cheek. He picked up the cup on the desk and took a sip of coffee.

He was not a fool. He knew the game Anna was playing. But, there was always a risk that she might do something impulsive

ulous. David knew under the leadership of Charles, the hospital's revenue was good and the stock price went up all the way. He was really reluctant to sell it. But at this point he was not sure if he had a say in the matter.

Charles stood and walked around his desk. "Do you need me to announce what you have done for Anna? If I really expose it to the public, aren't you afraid that your group's stock price will plummet?" he asked, leaning a hip against his desk. Charles knew he had upper-hand in this deal. David was desperate enough to agree.

"Mr. Fu, is there no room for negotiation on this matter?" David swallowed convulsively and then cleared his throat.

Charles replied without hesitation, "No."

David gritted his teeth and agreed, "Okay, I'll sign it. But, Mr. Fu, I hope you won't expose it to the public. Anna is still young. I don't want her to lose her future!"

"As long as you sign your name, I promise you that it will end here!" Charles went back to his desk.

He just wanted Anna to leave, hoping that the hospital would have nothing to do with the Wang family anymore after this deal!

And most importantly, he hoped Nancy could work in the hospital more comfortably.

"Okay!" nodded David He had no choice but to sign his name on the agreement.

When he was finished signing, Viola handed the contract to Charles.