Nancy stopped in her tracks, transfixed.

Charles had come into her vision, the morning light casting a soft glow all over him, making him look especially handsome despite his disheveled appearance.

"Good morning, Mr. Fu," Nancy drawled, smiling sarcastically at him.

"What reason can you possibly have to argue this early in the morning?" Charles asked, his voice laced with irritation. His brows wrinkled to form a frown as she continued to smile at him, feigning ignorance over the noise.

After waking up hung-over with a dull throbbing in his head, the last thing he needed to wake up to was a commotion in the house. He remembered the night before spent drinking, still tasting the remnants of alcohol on his tongue.

Rubbing at his temples, he found his initial annoyance towards her quickly dissipating. With her smiling at him, even in that mocking way, it was surprisingly easy to excuse her.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you had a long night out. Someone's parading around downstairs and making a big fuss. Go see for yourself," Nancy said. She teasingly ran a finger across his chest as she moved away from him to go upstairs.

He continued to rub at his temples, hoping to ease the throbbing that intensified after his encounter with Nancy. It didn't cross his mind that Lilian would still be around. He assumed she would've been gone by morning. Lilian strolled into the kitchen, taking it upon herself to prepare Charles some breakfast. She ran her hands across the glossy marble counters, marveling at the luxurious space. After spotting an apron across the room, she walked towards it

ted and feel they should've lived in those times," she stated. As she continued speaking, she found it more and more hilarious. The more she irritated him, the more she wanted to continue.

"Madam, it's not like that. Please don't misunderstand!" Lilian stuttered as she tried to alleviate the situation. Charles' bitter expression as he watched Nancy made Lilian increasingly anxious.

"There's nothing to misunderstand. I was just thinking, Mr. Fu would probably prefer to have multiple wives if the times still allowed for it," Nancy said.

Charles slammed his hand on the table. "Nancy, will you please stop!" He entertained her insolence enough and needed to gain control of the situation. Gritting his teeth, he stared angrily at her. Initially wanting to avoid fighting, he couldn't help but burst into anger. Not having slept well the night before, he struggled to get up in the morning and blamed his short temper on his hangover. His eyes were bloodshot and his head throbbed even more as he glared at her.

Lilian glanced a look across the table to him. She was so frightened at the rage in his expression that she almost fell out of her chair.

Charles grabbed Nancy's wrist and pulled her to sit beside him, not loosening his grip on her. "Would you prefer I find myself another woman?" he challenged.

She raised her eyebrows at him in mock surprise, a slight smile at the corner of her lips teasing him. "Mr. Fu, I think you're mistaken. Back then, and even until now, I don't think any woman would be happy sharing her man with others. But it seems it's out of my control how my man lives, right?"