"Jay! You’re a horrible bastard. You’re the worst man in the world!" Doris yelled, drunkenly. The wine was taking its toll on her.

"I'm a bastard? Fine! Now, could you help me wash my clothes?" Jay was not in the mood to argue. He began to remove his clothes, not minding that she was looking.

"Hey, you!" Doris eyed his strong muscles. Their bulge held her attention as she admitted in that moment that she had an obsession with Jay's body.

Narrowing his eyes and exuding arrogance, he looked at her. "I bet you've never seen a man this fine before, have you?"

"Shut up and get out, Jay, or I'll tell Grandpa on you!" She still whined like a little girl despite her wildness. She could not even hide her nervousness at seeing a man undress before her.

And to top it all, she was pregnant!

For her baby's sake, she couldn't let anything happen between her and Jay.

Jay's lips played an arrogant smile at her last comment. "Silly girl! Grandpa is rooting for us. He can't wa

gel," Jay explained.

"Fine, I'll wash your hair!" At that moment, she didn't have the will to argue. The pain was rising, and she just wanted to feel better.

"Oh no, you rest. I'll wash it off myself," Jay answered, quitting his jokes.

Doris suddenly felt a laugh building in her throat. Jay was quite cute when he was serious.

She nodded, "Okay.'

Jay left for the bathroom. Doris sat still on the bed, holding her belly. A huge frown ran across her face.

She could hear Jay moving quickly. The water was loud as he washed.

Although she didn't want to look, Doris could not help noticing Jay's well-built body and bulging muscles through the frosted glass of the bathroom door. She swallowed quickly to calm herself as her heartbeat rose on sight.

She wiped a palm across her face as if trying to wake from a dream. Mocking herself, she said, "You're unbelievable, Doris. How can you deal with this terrible stomach ache and still have the energy to gush over his body?"