Nancy's face was as red as an overripe tomato. From a glance, Jay could clearly tell that she was really drunk.

He turned his gaze at Doris and realized that she was also a little intoxicated.

The thought that she was consuming alcohol despite the baby in her belly made him really upset.

The place was a complete disaster. Even without thinking about it, he could already tell what happened.

"Doris! What are you doing here?" Jay shouted with a sudden fierceness.

When Doris heard this, she retorted, "Can't you see? We came here to have fun, the exact same way that you guys are!"

His face contorted into rage, with blue veins bulging out of his forehead. Jay raised his fist and started punching and kicking the two men. Luckily, Doris went there to pull him back; otherwise he would have beaten them to death.

"Jay! It's fine if you want to beat them up, but don't kill them!" exclaimed Doris.

Jay looked back at her with hard staring eyes and asked, "Tell me. What are the two of you are doing here?"

She raised her eyebrows and let out a mocking laugh. "We're only here to have fun and experience the same kind of life you have. However, these two bastards came onto us! We didn't do anything!"

Of course, this cunning woman always remembered to defend herself first.


Charles was caught in a daze for a moment. When he looked back on it, he realized that it was a rare occurrence for her to get drunk.

In her state of drunkenness, he actually found her especially charming.

Nancy stroked his face and said with a rueful voice, "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly stop?"

"Nancy, stop talking. Do you hear me?" Looking at Nancy's innocent facial expression, he finally came back into his senses. His voice was now gentler, and he was also not as hostile as before.

"Okay then." Afterwards, she shrank her head into his arms.

Charles confidently walked over to the reception, carrying Nancy in his arms. "Who is the receptionist here?"

The receptionist rushed over to them and answered, "Mr. Fu. That would be me. What can I do for you?"

"You! Don't come back to work here tomorrow!" he ordered in a cold, serious voice.

"What? Mr. Fu, why?" the receptionist asked cautiously.

The business empire that Charles owned involved all sorts of different industries. The entire economy of the city was somewhat connected to him. It was way too easy as he could fire a helpless receptionist with a flick of a finger.

However, the receptionist had no clue what she had done for Charles to fire her so suddenly.

Why was Mr. Fu so angry?