With a serious face, Bobby asked, "Mommy, if a kid hits me or Nadia, how can I protect myself and her if I don't fight back?"

Nancy had a hard time answering Bobby's question because what he said was reasonable.

"What mommy meant was you can reason out with the other kid, and explain to him why what he did was wrong. But he if still tries to hit you, defend yourself but don't fight back. For example, if you see Nadia caught up in a fight with other children, pull her away to stop the fight. Also make sure that Nadia doesn't hurt other kids as well. We don't want anyone getting hurt. It's as simple as that," said Nancy who had a hard time explaining.

"Okay, I understand, mommy," Bobby answered with a tone that didn't seem convinced.

Nancy sighed helplessly. She still needed to learn to deal with the children especially with regards to sensitive matters like this. She decided that she should spend more time with them to learn how to handle tough questions like this one.

It was funny how people say that losing weight was a woman's utmost concern. Learning how to educate her children was a more important duty of a woman.

Soon enough, dinner was ready.

"Where is d

ore. We are a family and we should just focus on supporting and caring for each other. Bobby, mommy is tired. Let's go to bed now, okay? Let mommy rest early tonight. She has to go to work tomorrow to treat all her sick patients," Nadia implored.

"Okay, you're right." Bobby let go of Nancy and said, "Good night, mommy. We're going to bed."

Wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, Nancy smiled. "Good night, kids."

The kids then walked to their own rooms.

Nancy was alone for a while. It was already half past ten in the evening, and Charles still wasn't home.

She wanted to talk to Charles about Jessie's temporary suspension. But it was already late. She was starting to feel indignant.

She took out her phone and thought about calling him, but she felt inexplicably uncomfortable. Why didn't he tell her that he had asked Hiram to pick up the kids and that he would come home late? What was he up to?

Why didn't he just call her?

What was so difficult about that?

Did he feel guilty about stealing the notebook? Was he embarrassed to face her?

Even if she didn't see him tonight, she would still see him tomorrow, wouldn't she?

What was going on with him?