"Alright! Sounds good to me!" Nadia excitedly raised her hand, initiating a high five with Bobby.

Charles and Nancy shared a knowing look, amused at their children. They shrugged their shoulders as if in surrender. It seemed like they didn't have a choice but to participate in the game.

The four of them played until the children were tired. It was already midnight when Bobby and Nadia finally conceded that it was time to sleep.

Nancy and Charles tucked the kids in bed, who dozed off in no time.

"Ready to get some sleep now, Charles?" Nancy said weakly as she rubbed her eyes and walked towards their room sluggishly.

"You bet I am." Charles yawned, barely able to keep his eyes open.

He couldn't get himself to think about the notebook anymore. He was too drowsy that getting into bed was all he could fix his thoughts on.

Everything he and Nancy had to discuss about the notebook would have to wait until tomorrow.

Come morning, Nancy was awakened by the loud and playful voices of Bobby and Nadia.

"Get up, mommy and daddy! It's morning already!"

The kids rushed into their room and climbed straight unto the bed.

A little irked, Nancy scrat

It had to belong to someone else!

He had a strong hunch about who owned the notebook, but he couldn't rely on that alone. He needed sufficient evidence, and he was determined to investigate.

By this time, Nancy had arrived at the hospital.

"Director Nancy, Boyd is ready for discharge today!" Erin came over and informed her.

"When was the bandage removed?" Nancy asked.

"This morning," Erin responded.

"Well, it's time for him to leave the hospital. Most of the patients are children anyway so it will better for him to recover at home." As soon as Nancy finished her words, she saw Boyd in a wheelchair, being carted off the ward by his wife.

"Hello, Director Nancy," Boyd greeted her, now looking better. "Thank you for taking care of me for the past few weeks,"

he said apologetically with a ruddy face.

"Don't worry about it. You should rest for one or two months before you get back to work!" Nancy smiled at him.

"Thank you, Director Nancy. I used to... I hope you have forgiven me for my bad temper!" Boyd clutched his clothes anxiously. "I don't know what happened. I was very irritable at that time. That was embarrassing. I'm really sorry!"