Puzzled, Bobby looked at Charles and asked, "Dad, don't you want to have another baby?"

"Bobby, you ask too many questions. Daddy needs to cook. Tell Nadia to wash up and get ready breakfast!" Charles wanted to answer Bobby's question, but he could not. He was too young of a parent to know what to say.

The man wanted to stay at home that day. Charles could use some time to read the parenting books that he had bought.

Bobby didn't bother his dad with any more questions. He swiftly ran into Nadia's room. The boy woke his sister up and said, "Nadia, get up. I have terrible news. Daddy didn't sleep with Mommy last night. It seems that he doesn't want another baby... What should we do now?"

Nadia hesitantly looked at Bobby. After a while, she slowly said, "Then let it be. They already have us!"

"This can't be! All the other children in our class have younger siblings. Why can't we have one?" Bobby said adversely.

"I am your younger sister, am I not?" Nadia then asked, "Do you dislike me, Bobby?"

Nadia grieved at the thought of Bobby disliking

group had a very high-level meeting. Then he made a phone call to Jay.

Jay didn't go to work that day because Doris had terrible morning sickness. Jay grew anxious as he watched Doris in pain. The man felt helpless.

"Find all the maids who have given birth to children for me!" Jay ordered.

"Okay, sir," the butler answered. He then called all the maids who were mothers.

"Tell me, how does one stop from having morning sickness?" The maids were afraid to answer. The butler glanced at them and said, "Whoever comes up with an effective method shall be paid handsomely!"

The women exchanged looks with each other. Most of them came from the remote countryside. They believed that morning sickness was an inevitable part of pregnancy. They were taken aback by how much Jay had overreacted.

The maids were clearly confused.

"What? Didn't you all experience pregnancy before?" Jay shouted.

The maids trembled in fear.

Finally, one of the maids faltered as she said, "Let the lady have some ginger soup. That should help with the morning sickness."