When the clock hit the afternoon, Nancy went to work in the hospital.

The first thing she did as soon as she arrived was to visit Boyd in the ward.

At this time, he had already calmed down while his wife accompanied him.

"Doctor Nancy is here," the woman uttered and quickly stood up as soon as she saw Nancy.

"What happened to Mr. He yesterday? Did he have such symptoms before?" the latter asked, taking a quick glance at her patient.

The woman thought for a while before eventually shaking her head. "No, everything was fine yesterday."

"Alright. Thank you for letting me know." After saying that, she comforted the woman and assured her that everything would be alright.

As soon as Nancy stepped out and left them, she slightly cocked her head to the side, thinking how everything seemed to be so weird.

How could a man suddenly lose control of his mind without any history of mental illness?

These speculations ran in her mind as she walked to the medicine room.

"Who gave Boyd his medicine yesterday?" she asked Erin.

"Me, Director. I made sure I got the right medicine. Boyd's wound has almost been recovered, and I brought him an anti-inflammatory drug. I don’t think something wrong would happen," Erin replied affirmatively.

However, Nancy wasn’t convinced, so she continue

t's wrong, honey?" His gentle voice almost sent her tears rolling down her cheeks.

But Nancy refrained herself from crying and instead flashed him a bitter smile. "Nothing. What are you doing here?"

she asked in a weak tone.

Staring at his delicate handsome face, she thought, ‘Can I tell him about my past?’

Nancy grew up keeping all her painful experiences to herself. She had always been a reserved person who never felt comfortable opening up to people.

And the strong facade she mustered was just a disguise to deceive herself and the people around her.

"Nancy, what happened?" Charles asked again after noticing the hesitation on her face.

"Nothing. I'm just a little tired," she said, wishing he would just drop the subject.

"Too tired to turn on your phone?" This time, Charles walked closer and kneeled before her.

She stood up, unbuttoned her white coat, and said slowly, "I’m sorry, I forgot."

Charles straightened up, and intently stared at her with a pair of calculating eyes.

He never liked it whenever she was in guard. Even if they were practically a couple at this point, she still hesitated to share secrets with him.

‘How could she not trust me?

What was she so afraid of?’

Charles couldn’t help feeling depressed and beaten as he thought of these questions.