With a straight face, Charles replied, "Okay, I'll let go of Dorothy. Tell me where Bobby and Nadia are."

"Mr. Fu, I have no idea where they are. If they have gone missing, I'll ask someone to find them for you," said Drew in a serious voice.

"Okay. Thank you, Mr. Zhuang." After finishing his words, Charles hung up.

Just then, Hiram who was panting, rushed into the room.

He escaped while nobody was noticing.

"Mr. Fu, I was kidnapped by Drew's men. One of his men took my phone and the two kids. They brought them to Drew's house. I'll come and save them!"

"I'll go with you!" Within a second, he sprang out of his seat.

"I will come with you!" Nancy, who heard their conversation, dashed towards them.

"Don't follow me. It might be dangerous." He held her shoulders and frowned at her.

"I'm a doctor. Maybe I can help if anything happens!" Determined to save her children, she put down his arms on his sides.

She was worried when she didn't see the kids.

When Cha

's neck.

Nancy hurriedly tore her clothes and pressed it against the wound.

"Go to the hospital now!"

Hiram was the one who drove the car, while Nancy and Charles carried Nadia.

Because she was still too young, her body easily weakened. Her face turned as white as a paper.

"Be quick! Be quick!" Nancy was frantic in worry.

She was scared. What if Nadia lost too much blood?

Without Nadia, what could she do?

Hiram drove fast. And Charles called his men to prepare blood bag for Nadia.

"What's Nadia's blood type?" asked Charles.

"AB," Nancy answered directly.

Charles was stunned to know they shared the same blood type.

He didn't have the time to think about it too much. He focused on giving orders to his men, so Nadia would get blood once they arrived at the hospital.

But the blood bag was not enough for Nadia. The doctor had to go to the blood bank to get some more.

"She can use my blood. I have the same blood type as her," said Charles.
