Charles came home to a house deprived of Nancy's presence.

And as he cooked his dinner, the latter was having fun in a bar without him knowing.

It was her birthday today, so she asked Doris to celebrate and have fun with her. After all, that was what all celebrants deserved on their day.

"What's wrong? You look unhappy," asked Doris as she took a sip on her drink. The evident silence, coupled with Nancy's tightly knitted brows, gave away her troubled feelings.

Sighing, the latter answered, "I'm just annoyed at Charles. He's been cold to me for a while now."

"Ha-ha! Just find a handsome guy to provoke him. You know he always gets jealous over simple things." Apparently, for Doris, that didn't seem quite a reason to be sad. In fact, the way she snorted showcased how childish she thought Charles was.

"Are you telling me to seduce another man?" Nancy rolled her eyes at her.

"Ha-ha! What's the matter? You want to wait for men to woo you?" Doris teased, narrowing her with while sporting a confident smug.

During the college years, Nancy was quite famous. In fact, her character was so dominant that she used to chase after handsome classmates without minding her own image.

And because of that, Doris gave her the nickname, "Female R

ngry waiting for you, that he forgot to eat and ended up falling asleep." Judging from the wary on Nadia's tone, Nancy could almost taste her doom.

"Have you eaten yet?" Now she tried to ask another question to divert the topic.

"Yes, Mommy. What about you?"

"Yes, I already have, honey." Nancy kissed her on the cheek and softly said, "Good night, sweetie."

"Good night."

Then, she took a shower to clean herself up and remove the smell of alcohol on her.

After that, she went to the guest room, hoping to find Charles. But the guy seemed to be playing hide and seek with her.

'Where the hell is he?' she asked herself in frustration.

She was almost on the verge of giving up when she caught sight of the study room completely lit. So her first instinct was to stride over there.

Charles was sitting on the chair, holding a book in his hand while he was frowning with narrowed eyes. At first glance, he seemed to be fighting his sleepiness.

Nancy couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt, slowly eating her up. So, slowly, she entered the room and walked towards him.

"Charles, go back to your room to sleep." She gently nudged his side to wake him up.

Charles muttered and slowly opened his bloodshot eyes––much to Nancy's surprise.